Home » Elly Schlein, collapse in the polls. Pd in ​​disarray: it is now below 20 percent

Elly Schlein, collapse in the polls. Pd in ​​disarray: it is now below 20 percent

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Elly Schlein, collapse in the polls.  Pd in ​​disarray: it is now below 20 percent

A Maginot line. Which divides a recovery, albeit arduous, from the abyss of inconsistency. And it draws a far from rosy future for the Democratic Party and its secretary. After the fierce criticisms of the governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, another blow hit Elly Schlein’s frail neck yesterday. According to the survey by the Ipsos study, if we voted on policies tomorrow, the Dems would only reach 19.4% of the votes. Below the psychological twenty percent. In free fall, after losing exactly one percentage point in just thirty days. Who knows, perhaps the militant summer announced from the rooftops of Lugano’s native did not meet the sympathy of Karl Marx’s grandchildren.

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Perhaps, but it is only a hypothesis, if instead of sanctifying the European Union at every opportunity, closing the city centers to those who cannot afford a latest generation car and invoking further tax increases, the left had dealt (really ) of work and public housing some voters would perhaps have returned to the fold. What the cheering progressive trombones dubbed (with the usual molasses of unreal optimism) “the Schlein effect” never existed. Or, at best, it sold out in just six months. Because, if it is true that the Democratic Party had reached 24%, it is equally indisputable that it had lost at the polls. Everywhere and without appeal. And it should not be forgotten that, as all the most important pollsters have repeatedly recalled, that 5% plus was also the result of media exposure four or five times higher than the average.

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In conjunction with the primaries and with the surprising defeat of Stefano Bonaccini. Complicated to list all the reasons for this defeat. A conservative wind is blowing in the Old Continent. This is beyond doubt. A desire for nations that proudly claim the right and duty to defend their national borders. Without having the obligation to welcome economic immigrants as well. States that, at the same time, are able to offer suitable conditions to young cups who want to bring children into the world. But the failures of the Democratic Party must also be sought in the Italian context. It cannot be denied that at the Nazarene the currents, if possible, have increased. There is no unity of purpose and, indeed, the line of the new secretary is starting to create numerous stomach aches. He doesn’t convince the strategy outlined by Elly Schlein, lacking in content and with a disconcerting weakness in the media. But, even more, he does not persuade the door in the face closed with vigor to the Third Pole and, on the contrary, the golden bridges erected to meet the ally designated from the first moment: the People’s Advocate, Giuseppe Conte . Many, among the ditto, considered Beppe Grillo’s words contemptible when he mentioned the income brigades. It must be said that the Five Stars, in one month, have gone from 15% to 16.2%. They gained more than a percentage point and got dangerously close to the dem. A further problem in view of the forthcoming, decisive, European elections.

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