Home » Family violence in Surčin | Info

Family violence in Surčin | Info

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Family violence in Surčin |  Info

A man from the Bečmen settlement near Surčin threatened a woman that he would kill her.

Source: MONDO/Stefan Stojanović

Đ. S. (28) from the settlement of Bečmen near Surčin, who was arrested yesterday for domestic violence, was heard today in the Third Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade and on that occasion he denied the commission of the crime.

It was proposed that the suspect’s detention be extended up to 30 days due to the fear that he will repeat the same criminal act in a short period of time, but also that he will interfere and influence the witnesses. In the further investigation, the Prosecution will examine all the witnesses, and will order the necessary expert examinations to be carried out.

The Belgrade police arrested Đ. S. (28) due to domestic violence. He was placed in police custody by order of the Third Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office. Đ. S., under the influence of alcohol, threatened to kill her.

If you suffer violence, the contact numbers of the Counseling Center against domestic violence (SOS phone and safe house) are:

0900-011-011, free call, weekdays from 10 am to 7 pm011 2769-466, weekdays from 10 am to 7 pm062304-560, from 19:00 to 10:00

Emergency calls to report domestic violence can be made to the number 0900-100-600 from 00:00 to 24:00, free of charge.


03:08 FAMILY VIOLENCE Source: Kurir.tv

Source: Kurir.tv


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