Home » Farmen Kendis, Bahare Viken | Røper challenges after the “Farmen” stay: – It was too much

Farmen Kendis, Bahare Viken | Røper challenges after the “Farmen” stay: – It was too much

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Farmen Kendis, Bahare Viken |  Røper challenges after the “Farmen” stay: – It was too much

It’s finals week in “Farmen kjendis” and the fight for existence is in earnest.

However, not all the participants get the opportunity to be part of the rush, and Bahare Viken (30) was one of the first to pack his bags and leave the farm adventure during the finals week.

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Viken had to say goodbye to both the “Celebrity Farm” participants and farm life in 1924. But returning to everyday life again turned out to be anything but easy.

Double held on the reality bubble

Viken returned to the capital with a new perspective, and the 30-year-old tells Nettavisen that it was nice to be disconnected from the outside world during the TV recording.

The well-known “reality bubble” ends up in the vast majority of reality participants, including Viken. But it quickly burst when she returned to modern everyday life again.

– I felt that it was tiring to come back, says Viken to Nettavisen.

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It was unusual to be back in the big city with crowds, traffic and loud noises again, according to Viken. Therefore, it was also challenging to let go of both the farm adventure and the “reality bubble”:

– I had a need to question that “bubble” a bit. I felt that I was the one who took the longest to come back to reality and land after “The Farm Celebrity”, says the 30-year-old.

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Viken, who is a journalist, is used to keeping up to date with the news, but it was impossible during the TV recording. It was also a big job when the 30-year-old returned to reality again.

– I tend to be quite up-to-date on news, but it took a very long time before I could bear to take that round and familiarize myself with everything that had been news.

– I was told to Google “submarine”, says Viken, referring to the large media coverage of the submarine Titan in June 2023.

– It was too much for me

It wasn’t just an urban city life and updates on news events that became almost something new for Viken after “The Farm”.

Almost a year ago, she made a decisive choice and resigned from her job at NRK. Only a few days after the “Farmen” adventure was over for her, a farewell party was held for Viken organized by her former colleagues.

It was too much for the 30-year-old:

– I held out for half an hour, and then I went to a friend’s house and watched a film. I couldn’t be there, I couldn’t mingle, she recalls.

Also read: Bahare Viken quit his NRK job: – Regretted a lot

She adds that she usually loves social settings and that she rarely goes home early from parties, but in the wake of the reality show, the pipe took on a different sound.

– I’ve always loved a party and I’m always the last to leave, but I felt it was too much. It was very strange.

Viken quit his NRK job to explore new opportunities and after the TV program a new and different everyday life awaited the 30-year-old.

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It also affected the transition from “The Farm Celebrity” to real life.

– I didn’t know how it was going to turn out, and I didn’t know what I was going to land in. I first had to land in my own everyday life and know what I was going to work with and how I was going to work before I was able to let go of that “bubble” , says Viken.

Today, Viken is associated with the entertainment house Plan-B, and there she is freer to explore completely different projects. There is something she missed when she was at NRK:

– I have a few projects coming up very soon, and I feel that I have a kind of editorial office behind me, even if it is not a large media house. It’s fun to see if you can do it outside too.

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