Home » French Minister Darmanin against Meloni: “Incapable of solving migration problems”. He risks skipping Tajani’s visit to Paris

French Minister Darmanin against Meloni: “Incapable of solving migration problems”. He risks skipping Tajani’s visit to Paris

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French Minister Darmanin against Meloni: “Incapable of solving migration problems”.  He risks skipping Tajani’s visit to Paris

“The Lady Melons And unable to resolve i problems migratory” of Italy. The attack on the Prime Minister comes from the French Interior Minister, Gerald Darmaninwho in an interview with RMC commented on some statements of the National Gathering – the party led by Marine Le Pen – concerning the situation on the Franco-Italian border. His words risk reopening one diplomatic crisis between Rome and Paris. The foreign minister Antonio Tajani in fact he is considering the possibility of cancel the visit in Paris scheduled for today. The head of the Farnesina has an evening meeting with his French colleague on his agenda Catherine Colonna: a bilateral agreement that has been expected for some time, but the minister’s delegation reveals that the trip could be deleted in the absence of a “decisive and definitive” clarification from the French authorities for the “offensive e totally unacceptableDarmanin said.

Italy is experiencing “a very serious migration crisis”, said the French minister, but the premier Georgia Melons who leads “a far-right government chosen by the lady’s friends The pen, is incapable of solving the migratory problems for which it was elected”. Darmanin accused Italy of being the cause of migratory difficulties in the sud of France: “Yes, there is an influx of migrants and above all of minors. The truth is that in Tunisia there is a political situation which especially leads many children to go back through Italy and that Italy is unable to manage this migratory pressure,” he insisted. And again: “Meloni is like Le Pen, he says ‘you will see this, you will see that’ and what we see is that Italy is experiencing a serious migration crisis”. Then Darmanin continued: “There is a vice in the extreme right, which is to lie to the population”. His statements come while France has been discussing the issue for days project of immigration law presented by the Minister of the Interior and which after the controversy was postponed to the next one fall.

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The words of the government minister of Elisabeth Borne risk exacerbating tensions between France and Italy, bringing the situation back to Novemberwhen again on the issue of migrants a rift opened up between the new prime minister Meloni and the French president Emmanuel Macron. Then it was the case with the ship Ocean Viking, welcomed by France after the Italian no, to unleash tensions. A diplomatic case that also had repercussions in February, with the exclusion of Meloni from the dinner at the Elysée between Macron, the German chancellor Olaf Scholz and the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. Then during the last European Council Meloni and Macron had tried thaw: a meeting to you per you (without the respective delegations) in a hotel in the center of Brussels. Common ground had been found on the subject of nuclear. Not on migrants: Italy, in fact, had achieved little or nothing since that summit at the end of March.

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