Home » Handball, Olympic qualification: German victory with a shocking moment

Handball, Olympic qualification: German victory with a shocking moment

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Handball, Olympic qualification: German victory with a shocking moment

The German national handball team started its Olympic qualification campaign with success – but this may have come at a high price.

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Despite temporary weaknesses, national coach Alfred Gislason’s team won 41:29 (16:13) against Algeria and has thus overcome the first hurdle. The player of the game was Renars Uscins, who scored ten goals.

However, there was a moment of shock shortly before the end: backcourt shooter Sebastian Heymann had to be replaced in pain. He limped off the field and received treatment on his left knee. The DHB gave the all-clear that evening. The association announced in a short message: “Knee against knee and bruise. Direct treatment on the field and in the dressing room. Nothing stands in the way of an operation on Saturday.”

DHB team with a strong start against Algeria

The DHB selection took control of the game from the start. The superiority was also reflected in the result early on with scores of 5:2 (4th) and 13:6 (17th). Algeria could barely contain the German offensive line and created a manageable amount of danger in their own attack.

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Andreas Wolff initially made solid saves at the back, while playmaker Juri Knorr, Julian Köster and Johannes Golla took responsibility at the front. What was particularly convincing was the right side with U21 world champion Uscins and Lukas Zerbe, who repeatedly finished successfully with the left.

Gislason used the clear result to distribute the load early on with a view to the key games against Croatia and Austria. In the meantime, Hanover’s Marian Michalczik directed the game in the middle.

“Careless!” DHB boss criticizes his own team

However, the rotations became noticeable; the strong start was followed by a weak phase in the attack. In the second half of the first period, Germany only scored four (!) goals because some of the clearest chances remained unused. Algeria crawled its way back.

“We got a little careless. The changes caused a bit of a break,” analyzed DHB sports director Axel Kromer at halftime.

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In front of IHF President Hassan Moustafa, Gislason sent his top performers Knorr, Köster and Golla back onto the field after the break. Algeria initially held on strongly and even reduced the score to two goals at 17:15 (34′).

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As time went on, Germany took the fight better and put five goals between themselves and their opponents at 23:18 (41st). After an interim 6-1 run, the Algerian resistance finally broke. Germany now played more efficiently, the audience mainly celebrated local hero Uscins.

The game to read.

+++ Germany – Algeria 41:29 (60th) +++

Final whistle! The German team wins clearly against Algeria, Timo Kastening provides the highlight with a spin. But there are concerns about Sebastian Heymann, who was substituted with pain. Apparently he injured his left knee somewhat.

+++ Germany – Algeria 37:27 (57th) +++

Even being outnumbered – Kohlbacher has to go to the penalty box after a foul – doesn’t stop the Gislason team. Johannes Golla used a rebound to score before Sebastian Heymann netted in the next attack.

+++ Germany – Algeria 34:25 (54th) +++

While the defense is no longer as solid as a result of the castling, things continue to run smoothly offensively. Returnee Franz Semper scores directly in his first attack. Nils Lichtlein and Rune Dahmke are also on the top scorers list.

+++ Germany – Algeria 31:22 (50th) +++

Now the decision has probably been made. After winning the ball in defense, Renars Uscins scored for the tenth time today – and caused the hall to explode. After a goal from Ayyoub Abdi, Alfred Gislason takes a time out and makes a complete substitution.

+++ Germany – Algeria 29:21 (48th) +++

Lukas Mertens is very accurate from outside today. He scores for the fourth time in the majority.

+++ Germany – Algeria 27:19 (45th) +++

It becomes clear again for the home team! At the back, the team is now gaining some possession and thus picking up the pace. Sebastian Heymann, who gives Juri Knorr breaks in defense, scores first before Johannes Golla follows up.

+++ Germany – Algeria 25:19 (44th) +++

Algeria is now reacting to the weak phase and taking a time out. National coach Alfred Gislason, on the other hand, should now be more satisfied with the performance of his team, which is now more focused.

+++ Germany – Algeria 24:19 (42nd) +++

It now continues back and forth between the two teams. Julian Köster extends the lead with a powerful jump shot from eight meters.

+++ Germany – Algeria 20:16 (38th) +++

But the Algerian attack is anything but flawless. After a save by Andreas Wolff, Renars puts Uscins back in the lead by four goals.

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+++ Germany – Algeria 19:16 (37th) +++

Khalifa Ghedbane continues to unnerve the German shooters and now has a catch rate of over 40 percent. But Johannes Golla muddles through and increases again for his team.

+++ Germany – Algeria 17:15 (34th) +++

After a missed throw by Knorr, Algeria started the counterattack and reduced the deficit to two goals. Ayyoub Abdi doesn’t give Wolff a chance.

+++ Germany – Algeria 17:13 (32nd) +++

Gislason sends his starting seven onto the plate again – and everything works promptly. First Andreas Wolff parries before Juri Knorr scores the first goal of the second half.

+++ Germany – Algeria 16:13 (30th) +++

Half time! Shortly before the break, Berkous hits a free throw and thus increases the pressure on the German team. So far it has been a solid offensive performance, but the necessary stability is still missing on defense. So there is a lot to discuss in the dressing room.

+++ Germany – Algeria 16:12 (28th) +++

But the underdog is anything but giving up here. Led by Messaoud Berkous, who has already scored four times, Algeria is fighting its way back. The national coach therefore takes another time out shortly before the break.

+++ Germany – Algeria 16:9 (25th) +++

The Gislason seven used another superiority to pull away again. First Christoph Steinert hits the empty goal after winning the ball before Renars Uscins further improves his goal account.

+++ Germany – Algeria 14:9 (23rd) +++

Wolff is currently keeping his team in the game. The German offensive lacks the necessary concentration without the substitutes Juri Knorr and Julian Köster. Only Johannes Golla ended the six-minute dry spell.

+++ Germany – Algeria 13:8 (19th) +++

Redouane Saker ends the six-minute goal drought – and gives his team new courage. Messaoud Berkous continues to shorten, while Khalifa Ghedbane is now parrying a series of balls at the back.

+++ Germany – Algeria 13:6 (17th) +++

While Andreas Wolff is now nailing the box shut at the back, the people in front of him are continuing to expand their lead. Renars Uscins in particular, who already has five goals, cannot be stopped by the opposing defense.

+++ Germany – Algeria 11:6 (14th) +++

Even the first outnumbered number doesn’t stop the German team. Julian Köster wins the ball in defense and sends Mertens on his way. The left winger remains ice cold and forces the Algerian coach to take his first time out.

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+++ Germany – Algeria 10:6 (13th) +++

The German attack continues to press the accelerator and uses the entire width of the field. Lukas Mertens scores the tenth goal for the hosts.

+++ Germany – Algeria 8:5 (9th) +++

Two mistakes in the offensive from the German team, which Algeria punished almost coldly. Hichem Daoud fails because of Andreas Wolff, who prevents him from connecting. In return, Uscins restores the old distance.

+++ Germany – Algeria 6:4 (6th) +++

Both teams start like fire brigades here. Johannes Golla, Julian Köster and Zerbe again each converted their chances.

+++ Germany – Algeria 3:1 (3rd) +++

Things are going well for the Gislason squad. First Lukas Zerbe, who was preferred to Timo Kastening, converted a seven-meter penalty before he took a two-goal lead for the first time after winning the ball.

+++ Germany – Algeria 1:0 (1st) +++

Good start for the German team. Renars Uscins hits in the first attack and puts his team in the front.

+++ Opening against Algeria +++

Hello and welcome to the first game of the Olympic qualification. For today’s game, Gislason decided to leave Luca Witzke, who was nominated later, out.

+++ Germany is aiming for Olympic qualification +++

The German handball players around captain Johannes Golla would be only too happy to impress at the Olympic Games. After finishing fourth at the home European Championship, they are now aiming to qualify for the Summer Games as a first step.

Germany has to come first or second to get the Olympic ticket. Germany and Algeria recently crossed paths at the 2023 World Cup, with the DHB selection clearly winning in the preliminary round with 37:21.

With Sport Information Service (SID)

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