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How to raise children who love the Lord? ~

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How to raise children who love the Lord?  ~

Becoming a parent is not an easy task. We constantly ask ourselves questions about the education we teach our children. Are we doing everything right? How do others manage to have children who obey everything they are asked to do? We often turn to elders, family and friends for help. But what works for others does not necessarily guarantee that our children will be perfect. What if, instead of asking ourselves how to educate our children, we think about how to become examples for them so that they in turn become disciples of Christ? What if instead of wanting to control their actions and attitudes at all costs, we focused more on our role as shepherds?

Be role model parents

The role of parents is often very demanding. Admittedly, we are not perfect, but we do the best we can. We usually resort to the adage “Do as I say, don’t do as I do!“. What if we become model parents who please the Lord by aligning our actions with our words? Let us be perfect examples in our behavior and in our language. Thus showing our children the Christian values ​​that we wish to transmit to them.

Our home must also be a cocoon, the place where our offspring feel good and where they feel protected. So, let’s create a warm and protective home, where our children feel safe and fulfilled. Happy parents create happy children. A couple that prays together is a united couple and can only beget united children. Indeed, when we form a united couple who pray together, we create a solid unity and promote harmony in our children.

Appreciate our children

We need to take the time to get to know our children’s passions and interests. Let’s encourage them to pursue their passions by providing them with opportunities to learn and grow in these areas. Indeed, if we recognize and value the gifts and skills that Jesus gave to our children. They will feel supported in their aspirations and will be able to flourish and assert themselves in everything they undertake.

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We have to show them that we are proud of them, tell them how much we love them and pay real attention to what they have to say. Our support would prevent them from seeking the approval of others and bad associations. For this, we must take time for our children and spend quality time with them.

Making the Lord known to our children

Let’s teach our children to grow in the love of the Lord by reading the Bible in front of and with them whenever the opportunity arises. Likewise, praying with our children and for them will make them grow in the love of Jesus. Prayer and Bible reading are an integral part of Christian life. So, let’s not hesitate to set up family services to pray, praise and adore God.

Also, to make the Lord known to our children, it is important to explain biblical teachings to them in an age-appropriate way. Using examples and illustrative stories to capture their attention and understanding.

In our role as parents, we also have an obligation to live our own religion sincerely. By showing our children how the relationship with God is expressed in our daily lives, through our actions, our benevolence and our compassion towards others.

Communicate and share the faith as a family

Eating meals together around the same table is not just a time to eat. It is also a moment of sharing, prayer, communication, advice and cohesion. Indeed, during family meals, let us encourage our children to share their experiences, their joys, their concerns and their challenges. Let’s create an open environment where they feel confident to express themselves and share their thoughts. Ask open-ended questions to deepen the conversation and show genuine interest in their opinions and experiences.

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Let’s also share our own life stories and experiences, so we let’s goad our children to know us better and to feel closer to us. Encourage them to express their opinions constructively and to respect the views of other family members.

And let’s not forget to incorporate prayer into our moments of sharing to create a spiritual connection and cultivate the relationship with God together. By practicing these habits, we strengthen family bonds.

To guide children by being models of Christian life

Being a believer is not just about going to church or reading the word of God. It is more about adopting a devoted lifestyle in accordance with the word. As parents, we have a responsibility to pass it on to our children the moral and spiritual principles that will guide them to a fulfilling life.

One of the best examples a parent can set for their child is to introduce them to service to others. In order to transmit to them essential values ​​such as altruism, compassion and social responsibility. It will help them to develop a sense of duty to others and to understand that every small act of kindness can make a significant difference in the lives of the people they serve. Additionally, by engaging in acts of service, our children will have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons about humility, gratitude, and selfless love. Let us cultivate in our children qualities such as kindness, sobriety, generosity, patience, kindness and courtesy. In this way, we prepare them to be responsible, respectful and caring citizens. But also so that they contribute positively to society and spread the love of Christ in the world around them.

Educate children with kindness and discipline

Setting limits helps our children develop peacefully. It is not a question of imposing strict rules and altering the relationship with them, but rather of establishing fair limits that bring them closer to God. By disciplining our children, we enable them to obey God’s laws and commandments. The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; when he is old he will not turn aside” (Proverbs 22:6). Besides rules and limits, it is also important toexplain to our children the reasons behind these rules.

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By teaching them the Christian principles and values ​​that underpin our choices. We help them understand the importance of these boundaries for their own well-being and their relationship with God. As parents, we need to be consistent in enforcing the boundaries we set. This means that we must be firm while being fair and loving.

It is also important to give our children the opportunity to express themselves and participate in decision-making, as much as possible. This builds their self-confidence and helps them develop their autonomy. By setting limits, we show them our love and concern for their well-being. By being consistent, fair and loving in enforcing these boundaries. We help our children develop essential skills such as discipline, self-control and respect for others. But also to gain autonomy and strengthen their relationship with God.

Photo credit: Freepik


The most important thing is to inurture our children that we deserve nothing and that all we have is by the grace of God. So that our children become perfect imitators of Jesus. It is our duty to nurture and cultivate gratitude in their hearts until it becomes a way of life. May we, as parents, be instruments of God’s grace in the lives of our children. Guiding them on the path of faith and abundant life in Christ.

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