Home » HYPOCRISY— — Twenty-five aprilists, pacifists, ecologists, deep-throat…

HYPOCRISY— — Twenty-five aprilists, pacifists, ecologists, deep-throat…

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HYPOCRISY— — Twenty-five aprilists, pacifists, ecologists, deep-throat…


Twenty-Five Aprilists, pacifists, ecologists, deep throats…


At the risk of being called a big subject, I began my speech, on the beautiful feast of April 25 at the Teatro Flavio in Rome, by setting a partisan song out of tune to replace “Bella Ciao”, now unusable due to excessive abuse by non-titled subjects. It’s the one that does”Come on, the time has come, the battle is raging / to win peace, to free Italy…”. A modest, but willing response to those who made havoc on April 25th as much as the aforementioned song, writing on themselves the maxim of Francois de La Rochefoucauld:

“Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue”.

Virtue being what happened on April 25, 1945, vice is all those who under that date gave birth to their duplicity, corruption, imposture, including the heads of the State. And hypocrisy being the donut that keeps them afloat.

China sparks peace in the Middle East and tries to fan it in Ukraine, the political West sparks wars in an Africa that promises to get away from neo-clonialism.

An alleged whistleblower of top-secret CIA documents covers up a desperate attempt to get the forces back in line.

The Dalai Lama, a CIA employee, with his tongue for children to suck, reveals what the much celebrated, fierce feudal pedophile tyranny of Buddhist monks in Tibet was made of.

Is she the ecological, pacifist secretary of the party of the left and of the workers? How many surprises she! Incinerator yes, weapons to the puppet despot of Kiev yes, murder of a mother-bear and her three cubs yes. On the other hand, she boasts an assistant in her clothing at 150 euros an hour and in her shopping at 300 euros an hour. This is how the cause of the unemployed, the precarious, the 15 million absolute and almost absolute poor is being pursued.

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And after having quartered and poisoned Sardinia with polygons and explosions, don’t we want to involve it in the ecological transition? 700 wind turbines on land and in the sea, up to 300 meters high, to occupy an expanse equal to 10,000 football fields. It’s good for humans, for tuna, for birds of passage, for tourism.

And so on.

On Sunday 30 April at 20.30, then Monday at 12.30, Tuesday at 14.30, Wednesday at 12.30, Thursday at 14.30, Friday at 18.30 and Saturday at 08.00.

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