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If you took care of your wife like you take care of your car… – Le blog des Camerounaiseries

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If you took care of your wife like you take care of your car… – Le blog des Camerounaiseries

I just made a sad observation, it’s that I take better care of my car than of my many romantic partners. And yet I can become the best husband in the world if I simply decide to do the opposite…

If we maintained our wife like we maintain our car

If you maintained your wife like you maintain a car, huh, the men in vehicles would become the best husbands in the universe! Because me, for example, I don’t even wait for my car to ask me before going to carry out its weekly technical inspection. I take it to the laundromat every Tuesday and Saturday morning after my power walk because I want it to look shiny and shiny all the time. And yet with my women eh, nephew !
If men took care of their wives as they often take care of their cars, women would be more and more in love and less and less unfaithful. The men would get up every morning and they would ask them that “Did I ever give you the money to go get your manicure done?” ». Married men would buy them new dresses and new pairs of shoes without even asking them about their waists and chest measurements, because they would like them to appear continuously resplendent to them. ‘Cause how can you deal with a car that doesn’t talk, and yet you can’t even get the minguilis small problems of a Cameroonian who nevertheless shouts in your ears every day?

If you were faithful to your wife…

All men are loyal to their car! Finally, I’m talking about the real owners. Because when you have your own car and the gray card has already been registered in your own name, you become jealous of this vehicle until…
Women are also jealous of their husband when he has a new car. Because she, he will never betray her (I’m talking about the car huh). Men still consider their car the most formidable in the neighborhood, its engine the strongest in the world, and its model and series the most revolutionary of all time… O’okolo’oo’oo !
If men could be so protective of their wives, marriages would be better off. We would finally have men who fully assume their wives in public as they ostensibly assume their car, and we would finally have true monogamists who do not collect several conquests at the same time; because most of the men transported here in Cameroon only have one car!

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Men with vehicles like to pamper and maintain their car. Source: cloudfront.net/CC-BY

If we were worried about his girlfriend…

I worry about my car every day: when I wake up, when I eat, when I watch, when I wash, when I go back to sleep, etc. When I drive then it’s serious! I am constantly listening to the noise of my engine, and I always ask my passengers if the behavior of my shock absorbers seems to them to be completely correct and irreproachable.
When I brush my teeth, I wonder about the oil level in my engine. I’m trying to think about the variations of the coolant inside my radiator. I wonder if I should already think about replacing my battery or my steering pump. I immediately become wary—even neurasthenic—when I see the slightest crack on my wheel or on my bodywork. In short, I became paranoid!
But paradoxically, it is of this madness that women are impressed. They want to have a man who knows them point by point, and who is able to detect the slightest annoyance in them. They want to have a companion who is concerned, attentive and very concerned about the little needs of his sweetheart.
But on the contrary, what do we do? Well we just prefer to focus exclusively on our car!

If we went out with his wife…

Do you know there are women here who have never dated their own husbands? Eh ? I’m talking about going out for fun, eh, and not about the trips that Pierre La Paix Ndamè performs with his wife when they want to go to a funeral…
Did you know that? Because most men go out early in the morning and they spend the whole day with their vehicle and their mechanic, while Madame has quietly stayed at home waiting for them! Most men travel with their car, work with their car and walk around with their car. They spend more time inside their car than inside their own spouse! And yet if they could also walk with their girlfriend from time to time…
Truth be told huh, every woman in the world would like to know exactly what their husband is doing at all times, but unfortunately their car doesn’t talk. They wanted to ask them “Where were you today?” », “How many girls have you met? », “Did you go to the store and did my husband buy condoms? »
But unfortunately…
If we spent time with our wives the way we spend time with our cars, well, life as a couple would simply become quite extraordinary!

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If I took care of my women like I take care of my Mercedes…

So I just made an unfortunate observation, it’s that I take care more of my car than of my indescribable romantic relationships. And yet I can become the best husband in the world if I decide to do the opposite from now on…

If we took care of his wife as we take care of his car! Already, we would lubricate it every morning and every evening, and we would put a lot of money on it in order to be able to keep its papers up to date as well as all its bodywork.
If we took care of his fiancée like we take care of his car! We would not only dream of using it and then replacing it, but we would project ourselves into the future until the accidents separate us.
If we could take care of our other half as we often take care of our car, Cameroonian men would undoubtedly become the best suitors in the world!

Because they would suddenly become very caring, attentive, incredibly romantic but also very protective! They would become jealous men, loving but also very endearing lovers. Cameroonian men would then miraculously become faithful and reliable characters, since in reality each individual here only has one car!
And let me tell you eh, their wives would subsequently become the best wives and the best companions that can exist here in Cameroon…

Ecclesiastes DEUDJUIif I took care of my wives…
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