Home » India, bridge collapses with hundreds of people: at least 32 dead

India, bridge collapses with hundreds of people: at least 32 dead

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India, bridge collapses with hundreds of people: at least 32 dead

MORBI- The provisional death toll from the collapse of a suspension bridge over the Machchu River in the Indian city of Morbi, western Gujarat, is at least 32 dead. Reports it on Times of India, specifying that at the time of the breakdown, there were over 400 people present on the infrastructure. The images broadcast by local TV show people clinging to the cables of the collapsed bridge, while rescuers try to rescue them.

The footbridge, recently reopened to the public after renovations and a favorite family picnic spot, collapsed because it could not bear the weight of the people standing on it, according to the Times of India. Authorities have corrected their estimates of the number of people on the bridge at the time of the collapse from about 400 to 150.

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