Home » Is granola healthy? – FASHION WORLD

Is granola healthy? – FASHION WORLD

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Is granola healthy?  – FASHION WORLD

Column signed by @chefjocielibobinski

Whenever we talk about some food, the classic doubt arises: but is it really good for health?
And surely you must have already asked this question about granola, after all, it is always associated with healthy eating and various health benefits. But is she really all that?
Basically composed of whole grains, seeds, nuts and fruits, granola is really all that and much more. Its consumption ensures several health benefits, especially with regard to the functioning of intestinal transit, fighting constipation, since it is a food rich in fiber. In addition, depending on how it is consumed, it can also help in the process of gaining muscle mass, improving the appearance of the skin and increasing energy and disposition for day-to-day activities.

granola @ disclosure

Whole grains are rich in nutrients, such as B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, as well as antioxidants (substances that protect cells).
It is also associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. In addition, the fibers present in granola promote satiety, help control blood sugar and reduce cholesterol and, together with the antioxidants, keep the intestine healthy, so be careful with water consumption to help the fibers do their job. .
The seeds, nuts and fruits present also contribute minerals such as zinc, selenium and magnesium, essential for immunity.
To make more nutritious choices, it’s always important to read and compare ingredient lists and nutritional tables.
Healthy granola is one that contains a rich amount of fiber and low amount of sugar.
The granola prepared at home is healthier than the industrialized one, as these contain sugars, salt, fats and other components that may not be so healthy for your


3 cups oats (large flakes)
½ cup coarsely chopped walnuts
½ cup almonds (coarsely chopped)
¼ cup sunflower seed (tea)
¼ cup of pumpkin seeds
½ cup white raisin (tea)
½ cup honey (tea)
¼ cup oil (tea)
1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 ½ tsp ginger (powdered)
3 cardamom berries
1 pinch of salt


Preheat oven to 200°C (average temperature).
In the mortar, lightly beat the cardamom to open the berries and remove the seeds. Blend the seeds well until they are ground.
In a large bowl, mix the oats with the nuts, seeds, spices and salt. Add the oil and honey and stir well with the spatula to combine all the ingredients.
In a large baking dish, preferably non-stick, place the granola and spread it well with the spatula, forming an even layer. Take it to the oven to bake for about 20 minutes or until the granola is golden – halfway through the time, stir with a spatula to bake evenly.
Remove from the oven and mix the raisins in the still warm granola. Allow to cool completely at room temperature before serving or storing (if not using a non-stick baking sheet, transfer the granola to a serving plate, this will prevent it from sticking to the baking sheet as it cools).

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