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“It is the Feast of those who love freedom, we are a great people capable of overcoming divisions”

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“It is the Feast of those who love freedom, we are a great people capable of overcoming divisions”

On the eve of April 25, Silvio Berlusconi entrusts his considerations on the matter to an official note Liberation Day. “Long live April 25, the Day of Freedom, Peace and Democracy. The Feast of all Italians who love freedom and they want to remain free”, writes the leader of Forza Italia. “We are a great people, capable of overcome all divisions and conflicts to achieve the good of Italy and the Italians. This is a heritage, a founding principle of our civil coexistence which belongs to all Italianswithout exception”.

For Berlusconi, the anniversary of April 25 is ”
an opportunity to reflect on the past, but also to think about the present and the future of our wonderful country”.

“The Feast of Those Who Love Freedom” “Long live April 25, the Feast of freedom, peace and democracy. The Feast of all Italians who love freedom and want to remain free”, writes the president of Forza Italia again. “Catholics and communists, liberals and socialists, monarchists and shareholders, and with them the military who have remained faithful not to a political idea, but to the honor of the country, even if moved by profoundly different ideals and by a different vision of the future of the nation, faced with a common drama, wrote, each for their own part, but with equal dignity and passion, a great page in our history.An extraordinary page on which our Constitution is based, a bulwark of our freedoms and our rights”.

The spirit of national unity “In 2009, a few weeks after the terrible earthquake that hit L’Aquila, I went to Onna to celebrate Liberation Day,” says Berlusconi in a passage from his letter. “I had chosen that small town in Abruzzo, which had been the scene of a terrible massacre carried out by the Nazis during the war and which had suffered profound damage and serious losses from the earthquake, because I had seen in the impulse of solidarity which had united all Italians to the affected populations, the same spirit that many years before had allowed Italy to rise again from the ruins of the war.On that occasion I recalled the spirit of national unity that animated all the protagonists of the resistance who were able to set aside the deepest differences, political , religious, social, to fight together a battle of civilization and freedom for themselves and their children.

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