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Italy, France and Samp-T

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Italy, France and Samp-T

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On Thursday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, during the meeting of G7 foreign ministers in Capri, It reaffirmed the urgency of supplying Ukraine with anti-aircraft defense systems against the continuous bombing by the Russian army. Stoltenberg’s statements follow dozens of appeals from Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, who in recent weeks had repeatedly denounced the shortage of weapons and ammunition at his disposal and the disproportion compared to Russian allies.

The most effective devices with which Ukraine’s anti-aircraft defense has been guaranteed so far are basically two: the American-made Patriot and the Samp-T of Italian-French manufacture. Their task is essentially to intercept missiles (even hypersonic ones) headed towards a certain target, shooting them down while they are in the air with other surface-to-air missiles.

But there are problems with the further rapid dispatch of both these devices. As for the Patriots, a political stalemate has occurred in the United States that prevents President Joe Biden from sending new weapons and ammunition to Zelensky, including those for anti-aircraft defense. Since last October, the Republican Party has been opposing the approval of the new aid “package” for essentially electoral propaganda reasons, at the instigation of former President Donald Trump who will be the Republican candidate for the presidency in November.

As for France and Italy, the two Samp-T producing countries, in February 2023 they jointly sent a first anti-aircraft battery to Ukraine. But this year they both have to manage big events, respectively the Olympics in Paris and the G7 in Puglia. And often on these occasions states need military deterrent tools, so they don’t want to deprive themselves of other anti-aircraft batteries. The Olympics will take place between the end of July and mid-August, and French President Emmanuel Macron has repeatedly reiterated that he wants to use maximum effort to avoid attacks and foil terrorist threats. It is therefore very likely that at least one Samp-T battery (which in France is called Mamba) is used with this function: this explains the hesitation of the French government in evaluating a new shipment to the Ukrainian army.

Even in Italy there is discussion of the possibility that Giorgia Meloni’s government sends a new Samp-T battery. Since 2013, Italy has had five at its disposal. There is no certain and official information on how they are used, also for national security reasons. One is usually used for defense exercises both at a national and NATO level, when the various member countries of the military alliance carry out simulations of joint interventions. Others are used abroad, in coordination with NATO: between June 2016 and December 2019 one was sent to Turkey, to Kahramanmaras, to defend the eastern border from possible missile attacks from Syria; one is still in Kuwait, for the military operation “Inherent Resolve” launched by the United States to counter ISIS in Syria and Iraq; another was used between April 2023 and early March 2024 in Malacky, Slovakia, also in a NATO operation.

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Recently, a controversy has been fueled by the possibility that the Italian government might send this latest battery, the one in Slovakia, to Ukraine. But it’s a fairly flimsy hypothesis. According to what sources from the Ministry of Defense report, in fact, that battery will most likely have to be used to guarantee anti-aircraft defense around Borgo Egnazia, the luxury resort in the province of Brindisi where, from 13 to 15 June, the event will take place more important than the Italian-led G7, when the heads of state and government of the seven richest and most powerful democracies in the world will meet for talks and discussions. The security protocols in these cases require maximum guarantees and the use of the most effective military devices: and the Samp-T is the most reasonable solution compared to the possible alternatives, such as sending some warships equipped with the same missiles Aster-30 off the coast of Brindisi. In 2025, the same battery could then be used for the Jubilee in Rome, as already happened between 2015 and 2016 on the occasion of the last extraordinary Jubilee announced by Pope Francis.

A Samp-T battery at the Le Bourget International Air Show, in Paris, on 19 June 2023 (Ludovic Marin/LaPresse)

But Patriot and Samp-T were devices that proved critical to Ukraine’s anti-aircraft defense. Starting from December 2022, almost ten months after the start of the invasion and after Russian bombing had caused enormous damage to military and civilian facilities causing hundreds of deaths, the first to send Patriot batteries was the United States. A few months later the European allies also did the same, albeit to a much more limited extent. At the beginning of February 2023, after a long negotiation, France and Italy agreed to jointly send a Samp-T battery with several dozen missiles to Ukraine, which effectively came into operation starting from mid-June 2023 after a long period of training of the Ukrainian military.

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Patriot and Samp-T have significant technical and operational differences, but they work somewhat in the same way. Each battery is made up of various armored trucks, called modules, which travel together and are then positioned a short distance from each other, close to the objective to be protected: a radar is installed on one truck which monitors any presence of projectiles in the air to be intercepted, on another (or others) the launchers with the missiles which, remotely guided by the radar, shoot down any attacks; on other trucks there are the soldiers who analyze the data and plan any interventions to be carried out, the generators to guarantee electricity to all the devices and the missile depots with which to supply the launchers (the Patriots can fire a maximum of four missiles per short distance from each other, the Samp-Ts at most eight). If necessary, the batteries can be moved to another area and made operational again within an hour.

After almost a year and a half since Ukraine received the first anti-aircraft defense systems, however, some of those Patriot and Samp-T batteries were damaged or hit by Russian bombs, others more simply consumed all their supplies of missiles, and therefore they are unusable. There is no official news, in particular, on the Italian-French Samp-T battery: Russian sources in January they had talked of its destruction, but the rumors were not confirmed by Italy and France, nor above all by Ukraine. What is certain, however, is that the battery has stopped working at full capacity, probably due to the progressive depletion of supplies.

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Ukraine has therefore become vulnerable again, and Russian bombings are increasingly successful. Faced with this situation, Germany was among the most determined countries, reiterating the need to help Zelensky. The German government, which last December had sent one of its Patriot batteries to Ukraine, announced on April 13th the sending of a second battery. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock wrote to European Union and NATO member states on Wednesday to urge them to provide Ukraine with new air defense systems.

However, if some governments hesitate, it is not only due to the need to safely manage extraordinary events. Regardless of the Olympics or the G7, in fact, the commands of the armies of various European countries – including Italy – are worried about the progressive emptying of reserves and weapons depots following the shipment of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine . For example, after various direct transfers to Zelensky’s government, in 2023 Italy chose a different mode of support: favoring contracts between the Ukrainian government and public and private Italian arms-producing companies, with commissions passed within a year from 3.8 to 417 million euros. No longer, that is, weapons that the Italian army deprives itself of to give to Ukraine, but newly produced weapons that the Ukrainian government buys from our defense industry.

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Defense Minister Guido Crosetto in the Chamber of Deputies during question time, March 27, 2024 (ANGELO CARCONI/ANSA)

There is a possibility that the stalemate could be resolved in the next few days. In the last few hours, the American Republicans seem to have decided to end their boycott of the new aid “package” for Ukraine, also due to renewed alarm from the secretary of NATO and the directors of the CIA, the US intelligence agency, about a possible imminent collapse of the Ukrainian resistance. The House vote on the measure is expected on Saturday, which includes, among other things, the allocation of 60 billion dollars for military aid to be sent to Ukraine. As often happens, the decisions of the United States then guide the times and choices of European countries and unblock the situation.

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