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Jandira Martini leaves a message to young people

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Jandira Martini leaves a message to young people

Actress victim of cancer built a solid career in television drama without ever having been a protagonist

  • Jeff Benicio

“There is no secondary role for a great actress”, said reporter Renata Ribeiro at the beginning of the article in ‘Jornal Nacional’ in honor of Jandira Martini. A better definition for the actress is impossible.

She created great moments in soap operas as a supporting character. Alongside the main stars, she stole the show using expressiveness, perfect diction and charisma.

Admitted to a hospital in São Paulo, the artist died on Monday (29), aged 78, as a result of lung cancer. She leaves two children and a legion of friends and admirers.

Until she was a teenager, Jandira had never thought of being an artist. She was sympathetic to the idea of ​​training as a teacher. Contact with the amateur theater in Santos, where she was born, sparked her interest.

After some performances, he wanted to improve himself: he entered the most respected institution for training actors in the country, the EAD (School of Dramatic Art) at USP. She answered the call of the stage and never stopped acting, writing and directing.

She was known – and respected – for her rigor with her own performance and with those who were willing to work with her. She said that every actor needs a solid foundation if they want to build a career.

“Everything is a matter of study. Of course, the talent factor matters. You need some talent for the thing, or a lot of talent”, Jandira told presenter José Maurício Machline on the program ‘Por Acaso’, on TVE (now TV Brasil), in 2003.

“Television creates actors overnight. But, in truth, for you to really tackle your career, play a series of characters, you need a lot of foundation, a lot of study, a lot of reading. Our young people today read very little. You have to study a lot to be successful.”

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There is no better lesson. A learning experience that will never get old. Getting famous quickly on TV isn’t that difficult. The complicated part, without a doubt, lies in polishing talent, gaining respectability and offering convincing performances to the point of guaranteeing permanence in the vehicle. To achieve this, the search for knowledge and constant exercise are essential.

Jandira Martini etched her name in the history of television drama with inspiring performances. We will always remember Teodora from ‘Sassaricando’, Zoraide from ‘The Clone’, Odaléia from ‘América’ and so many other women that the great actress brought to life on camera.

“If you want to be an actor, use your courage to do so”, suggested the artist on ‘Persona em Foco’, on TV Cultura, in 2017. Great example.

Jandira Martini died of lung cancer that had been treated years ago

Photo: Reproduction

The actress as Zoraide (‘The Clone’) and Odaléia (‘América’); and in the last times of life

Photo: Reproductions

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