Home » Keur Momar Sarr: Blockade of transhumant shepherds in Guéo, Senegal – Courriers Sud

Keur Momar Sarr: Blockade of transhumant shepherds in Guéo, Senegal – Courriers Sud

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Keur Momar Sarr: Blockade of transhumant shepherds in Guéo, Senegal – Courriers Sud

Map of the Guéo bridge on Lake Guiers in the northwest of Senegal/Google Earth screenshot

For days, shepherds and their herds on transhumance are blocked at the Guéo bridge by a major security system. This is to prevent conflicts between farmers and breeders during this particularly sensitive harvest period for both communities.

The blockade of Guéo

Guéo, the crossing point which allows breeders from Walo dieri to reach Ndiambour and Djolof has been under blockade for several days. Large numbers of gendarmerie personnel are there to block the passage of shepherds and their flocks.

According to the authorities, the order taken by the prefect of the Louga department prohibits the movement of livestock from October 31 to December 31, 2023 in order to preserve public order and avoid the risk of conflicts between farmers and breeders. Indeed, recurring clashes have been noted several times between these different socio-professional groups, particularly at the level of Nguer Malal. This state of affairs, as evidenced by medical certificates, complaints and numerous claims, has ended up adding to the concern of the authorities, concerned about social peace and the security of people and their property. However, every year, in similar circumstances and across the country, conflicts between shepherds and farmers are commonplace.

An ambient climate of tension

Fulani women and loads
Photo credit/ Mamadou Magarem Fall

A little less than a month ago in the department of Darou Mousrty, the murder of a peasant in his field made the headlines of the press. Transhumant in large hordes on the moors, herds of sheep and cows mainly set their sights on the fields. The millet, bean and peanut fodder they find there constitutes an unrivaled calorific supply before embarking on the arduous journey through the dry season. All things that make transhumance almost a use modeled in the DNA of the shepherd communities of Dieri for whom livestock is the reason of life and death.

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It is without taking into account the spirit of dialogue that the authorities of all sides have taken care to preserve peace and harmony between the shepherd and peasant communities, whose destiny is inseparable. The Local Development Committee (CLD) held in Keur Momar Sarr under the chairmanship of the deputy sub-prefect, will have made it possible to temporarily resolve the situation.

Lifting of the Guéo blockade

Crossing of the Guéo bridge by transhumants
Photo Credit/ Mamadou Magarem Fall

This morning of Saturday November 11, the gendarmerie system is still in position on the Guéo bridge. From the first rays of the sun, however, hordes of sheep, shepherds and endless lines of carts carrying women and children began their crossing. It was at the end of the CLD mentioned above that the authorities and the breeders finally agreed on a corridor through which the transhumants would have to circulate. The deputy sub-prefect, the mayor’s representative, the brigade commander and the representative of the Caliph of Loboudou, present on the scene, each wanted to remind people of respect for such a recommendation.

On site, scouts were dispatched to follow the herds and ensure scrupulous compliance with the established route. There is little doubt about it, violators of these directives will simply be caught and dismissed.

How long will the precarious lull that prevails on the heights of Diéri and in the wake of transhumant herders heading south last? The authorities may legislate, warn and communicate to deal with the worst, but the main protagonists, breeders and farmers, have their part to play. It is their security reflex that they must make prevail in order to safeguard the most precious resource in these times: peace.

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Cutlery in sheaths seized by the gendarmes from the shepherds. Photo credit/Mamadou Magarem Fall

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