Home » Lena Meyer-Landrut: “I’m satisfied, that’s a good feeling”

Lena Meyer-Landrut: “I’m satisfied, that’s a good feeling”

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Lena Meyer-Landrut: “I’m satisfied, that’s a good feeling”

Lena, let me start by asking you how your health is going: Have you been able to put the depressive phase that was reported in the media in December behind you?

LENA MEYER-LANDRUT: Thank you, I’m fine. It’s nice that spring is showing up and everything is slowly becoming colorful again. After December, January and February were a little annoying because everything was so gray and dark. But now everything is fine.

In your current song and video “Loyal to myself” you openly discuss your winter depression – is this a topic that you think should be in the public eye more?

Yes, but not in a sensationalist way like “Oh my God, he or she has depression!” A normal approach to this issue would be desirable, after all, almost one in five Germans is affected by depressive episodes or illnesses. It’s kind of crazy that this is still a taboo topic or a sensation. It’s a shame that too little information is shared about it.

Your sixth studio album with 17 new songs will be released at the end of May. What’s different from previous albums?

The album is called “Loyal to myself” because it is an honest and very personal album. It differs from the previous albums in that I allowed myself to do only what I wanted musically and in terms of content. If there is a common thread, it is that I implemented what I wanted to do at the moment of the songwriting session and what I felt at that moment. It is not a concept album or a biographical journey, but reflects my feelings and emotions. The album is correspondingly diverse.

How do you create your songs, do you write them yourself and how big is your influence?

There are usually three of us in the studio: me, a producer and a songwriter. The songs are all created very differently. Sometimes we talk together about what’s important to us at the moment, what topic we’re interested in and whether it should be an uptempo song or something slower. Sometimes I bring along concrete ideas that I have thought about and made notes about. Sometimes I have already finished writing the text and just want to musicalize it. I’m definitely the core of it all, but it’s mostly a team effort because I need help with some things. For example, I can’t play an instrument (laughs).

All of your previous albums have been huge successes and have been certified platinum and gold – is that sometimes scary for you and does it put you under pressure to succeed?

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It’s not scary to me, and I’m definitely under pressure to succeed. But I try to distance myself from it. As you get older you gain more calmness and a new kind of expectation policy towards yourself. My expectation was that I would be happy and satisfied with the final project, especially because this journey took a super long time and I already thought that I would never be able to do it going to finish the album. I’m satisfied, that’s a good feeling.

“If I were to create a character, I would feel like I was denying myself.”

You’re singing exclusively in English again – why did you choose to do this?

I have always sung in English and feel comfortable with it! In the past I have also done excursions into German with Casper and children’s songs with the giraffe monkeys and with Dikka. I love it too, but I haven’t found my voice and my music in German yet and I don’t feel that way either. I cannot and do not want to force this artificially because it would also be contrary to “Loyal to myself”. I know that in Germany German-language music is more successful than English music, but singing in German just for that reason is not an option for me.

What distinguishes Lena the person from Lena the product? Are the two separate or do they merge?

I’d say it’s a 50/50 merger and separation. I really like to reveal a lot about myself and my feelings, but as soon as a boundary is crossed that no longer just revolves around my emotional world, but also includes other people around me, then I am very careful to do so protect. So far it has worked out that I am successful with music and through music and I don’t feel the need to use my private life as advertising for my products. At the same time, the product Lena is to a large extent just me, because I can’t really separate them from each other. If I were to create a character, I would feel like I was denying myself.

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How important are family and friends to you?

Family and friends are extremely important as a place of protection and reference. I’m glad that I have a great circle of honest friends around me that I can rely on and who always give me honest feedback.

You can currently be seen on television again as a coach on “The Voice Kids”. What excites you about working with children?

The format is simply beautiful and one of the few formats that is still nice entertainment. You can watch the show as a family without worrying about getting trashed. I really enjoy working with the kids and it’s simply wonderful because children are very inquisitive and attentive. This is very fulfilling work.

What kind of music world awaits young talents these days? Is there more cooperation or competition between each other?

Every artist feels differently what the difficulties and hurdles are. It also depends on the genre, what kind of music you make, what type of person you are, how you deal with the public, the different opinions and everything else that happens around you. The perceptions are very individual.

Do women have it easier in the music business than men?

I would say, absolutely not!

The Eurovision Song Contest is currently taking place again. Is the topic closed for you or could you imagine running again?

I would say: never say never! But definitely not in the next few years.

You’re going on a big concert tour in the summer, 15 performances are planned so far – will you be traveling with your kids?

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As I said, I don’t talk about personal matters. Just this much: With the band and crew, we are almost 30 people on the road.

Do you already have plans for what happens next?

Now comes the tour, which is currently my biggest project after the album. When that’s over, there will be some new music that I’ve already been working on. Now that’s a bigger mountain I have to climb. After that, a short break is planned.

About the artist

Lena Johanna Therese Meyer-Landrut was born on May 23, 1991 in Hanover. With the song “Satellite” she won the Eurovision Song Contest 2010, making it Germany’s second victory ever. Since then she has looked back on a steep career. She is now an “old hand” in the scene and has released albums with “My Cassette Player”, “Good News”, “Stardust” and “Crystal Sky” and “Only Love, L” that went gold and platinum. Her new album “Loyal to Myself” will be released at the end of May. Even before her breakthrough, she gained her first TV experience in 2009 with roles in the Sat1 series “K11 – Police Officers in Action” and the court show “Judge Alexander Hold”. She can currently be seen as a coach on “The Voice Kids”. Lena is married to singer Mark Foster and they have a son and a daughter together.

Lena Meyer-Landrut live in Bielefeld

Wednesday, June 5th, 7 p.m., Lokschuppen, Bielefeld.

Tickets (47.45 euros) are available here.

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