Home » Missing girl in Florence, searches continue. But of Kata there is no trace

Missing girl in Florence, searches continue. But of Kata there is no trace

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Missing girl in Florence, searches continue.  But of Kata there is no trace

Florence, June 12, 2023 – Everyone is anxious about the little girl Say. Searches to find the missing 5-year-old girl in the early afternoon of Saturday 10 June from the former hotel occupied in via Maragliano in Florence they continued throughout the night and continue incessantly today, Monday 12 June. At the time of the little one though Kataleya AlvarezPeruvian origin, there is no trace.

His mother Katherine, interviewed yesterday by Tg1, said she had told the carabinieri who could have taken it. “It’s impossible for her to get lost by herself – these are her words – someone took her and took her away. I told the carabinieri who these people could be”. However, this morning the investigators announced that there is no evidence of what was declared by her mother and that at the moment no elements of involvement in Kata’s disappearance have emerged.

Words that suggest the hypothesis of kidnapping. But every lead is valid, they explain from the Carabinieri, from removal to the intervention of an adult.

Saturday afternoon was the last time the baby was seen. There madre Katherine, 25, had entrusted her to her brother and sister-in-law to go to work. Upon her return, shortly after 3 pm, Kata had disappeared. The girl had played with other children in the courtyard. According to a friend’s mother, the girls had been fighting.

Kataleya lives with her little brother and mother in some rooms of the former Astor hotel in via Maragliano. The hotel was closed during the Covid. Those looking for a house have occupied it. And here a real one was created racket: you can sleep only if you pay. In recent weeks, Kata’s mother had barricaded herself in her room with her little girl: someone wanted to take over their rooms.

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7:35 Searches in the night

In the night in Florence continued the searches of the little girl. The activities of the police were joined by those of the volunteers coordinated by the Civil Protection, who searched for her in some areas of the city. Sunday evening until late night they have expressed solidarity to Kata’s mother dozens of Peruvians, especially women and children who had come from other parts of Florence and the metropolitan belt. They stayed on the street, under the former hotel, waiting for news that unfortunately didn’t come. At one point, an ambulance arrived but was called in to give aid to a woman staying in the former hotel who she accused of illness. The side street, via Boccherini, has always remained closed and was monitored by the municipal police.

8:10 The point of the situation A meeting is scheduled for mid-morning at the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri in Florence, where the Commander, Brigadier General Gabriele Vitagliano, will take stock of the situation on the small disappearance.
9:12 The mother’s cousin: “I know that someone has seen, but does not say anything”

The mother’s cousin does not believe it is possible that no one saw the little girl leave the building. Interviewed this morning, you said: “The neighbors say they haven’t seen anything. But I wonder how it is possible, with all the children and parents there (in the former hotel, ndr). I know someone saw it, but they don’t say anything.”

9:22 No feedback on the mother’s words The mother, as reported in an interview with Tg1, declared that she had told the carabinieri who might have been to take her Kata. But this morning we learned from the investigators that there were no findings and that at the moment no elements of involvement in the disappearance of the child would have emerged.
9:34 The banner: “Help us find Kataleya” A banner was hung from a balcony of the occupied former hotel in via Maragliano: “Help us find Kataleya. We invoke the Italian law”, reads the banner.
10:21 Mother in tears: “Give me back my baby” Her mother Katherine this morning left the former hotel in via Maragliano and in tears began distributing leaflets about her missing daughter: “I haven’t seen her for two days – she declared in despair -. Give me back my little girl.”
11:08 Prosecutor’s investigations “We are talking about kidnapping, but for now only from a statistical point of view, of probabilities. The child is almost certainly not inside the hotel and the hypothesis that seems more probable is that she was taken away by an adult”. This was stated by General Gabriele Vitagliano, provincial commander of the Carabinieri of Florence, taking stock of the investigations into the disappearance of the Peruvian girl Kataleya Mia Chicllo Alvarez in Florence.
11:38 Piera Maggio, mother of Denise Pipitone: “I relived that pain” “The case of every missing child is always painful and when I heard the news I relived those difficult times 19 years ago in my own home. I understand that mother’s pain and I am close to her with my heart”. Said Piera Maggio, mother of little Denise Pipitone
11:40 Volunteers at work “Since yesterday at 21, in coordination with the prefecture and based on what was defined in the control room, the civil protection has employed 75 teams of volunteers with the task of scouring the streets indicated by the carabinieri for the search for the missing girl . Within an hour yesterday, more than a hundred volunteers had already responded. A total of 178 were employed, in addition to nine technicians from the civil protection service. Thank you all”. The councilor for civil protection of the Municipality of Florence, Titta Meucci wrote it on Facebook
11:50 The phone call? A mythomaniac There was a phone call, said General Vitagliano, but “I have little hope of thinking that it is a valid lead, we believe it was a mythomaniac, probably someone who knows the family and had the telephone number”, anyway ” we are working to find the phone and the natural person who made the call”. General Vitagliano also stressed that the man “didn’t let the girl speak” in the phone call
12:04 The father attempted suicide The father of the missing girl attempted to take his own life by ingesting detergent in the Sollicciano prison, where he is being held for crimes against property. He was taken to the hospital and would have already been discharged
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