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Mission help: all the numbers of our commitment

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Mission help: all the numbers of our commitment

Over ten thousand child sponsorships, 59 development projects in 14 countries, fundraising for emergencies. And then culture, education, information: here is a summary of the Social Report of the PIME Foundation

Every year, the Pime Foundation publishes the Social Report, a reporting and transparency tool that provides not only an economic, but above all a social and environmental assessment of the impact created in the various areas of intervention. Our goal is to communicate the results achieved, talk about the activities carried out on mission and in Italy, and at the same time think about our future commitment.


Remote support
In 2022 we remotely supported 10,222 children, young people, people with disabilities and seminarians, coordinating 87 projects in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Oceania and Italy.
Most of the beneficiaries are followed by PIME missionaries and by representatives on mission in their education and to meet basic needs (medical care and nutrition). Four new projects targeting minors have been launched in Chad, Thailand and Myanmar.
Development projects
In 2022 we carried out 59 development projects in 14 countries on five continents. The activities concerned various areas of intervention, in particular: social development (drilling of wells, reception, aid and integration programmes); education and training (training courses, construction and expansion of schools); health (social and health assistance, construction of medical dispensaries); social communication.
In February 2022 we started an emergency fundraiser following the civil war that broke out in Myanmar, bringing concrete and timely help to thousands of people in need in the local dioceses of Taungoo and Taunggyi.
Throughout last year the Haiti emergency was promoted following the earthquake. The funds raised were used to distribute 250 school kits to as many children and to offer shelter to 300 children of displaced families, guaranteeing them access to adequate education. Furthermore, we were able to rebuild a dozen houses from earthquake-stricken areas.
Salt of the earth. Educate to integrate in Thailand
Thanks to the annual Campaign of the PIME Center we have promoted and stimulated, in Thailand as well as in Italy, dialogue, mutual understanding and respect for the different linguistic, cultural, ethnic and religious heritages. We have carried out numerous projects and activities with the aim of integrating diversity while maintaining the uniqueness and peculiarities of each individual and group.
There was no shortage of this accompaniment and support tool for young people who, at the end of their high school studies, wish to continue their training path by enrolling in university: in 2022, the beneficiaries of our scholarships were 63.


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After two years heavily marked by the pandemic, in 2022 the PIME Center in Milan and the PIME Foundation offices in Busto Arsizio, Sotto il Monte and Treviso returned to hosting events, activities and projects dedicated to children, young people and adults. We were able to reopen our Library and the Popoli e Culture Museum to the public on a regular basis. The season of events at the PIME Center has also resumed, involving more than 7,500 people.
Furthermore, during the year the Globalization Education Office met around 41,000 people, carrying out more than 8,000 hours of educational and training activities in various fields: civic education, the environment, interculture and missionary animation.
In 2022 we celebrated the 150th anniversary of the PIME magazine, born as The Catholic Missions and then became World and Mission. Precisely for this anniversary, on October 13, Pope Francis welcomed us in a private audience and encouraged us to continue with our commitment: “Go forward, faithful to your roots, attentive to the signs of the times and open to God’s future”. he said.
The editorial staff continued its information work also through the daily online agency AsiaNews.
On our site centropime.org find the entire document published. Making known what has been achieved during the year for us is not only a dutiful act of transparency, but also wants to be a way to share with you the concrete steps that the challenge of proclaiming the Gospel and the commitment to building a more just world prompted us to undertake.

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