Home » Mother’s Heartbreaking Revelation: “Cuban Doctors Killed My Son” – A Social Media Trend of Medical Negligence

Mother’s Heartbreaking Revelation: “Cuban Doctors Killed My Son” – A Social Media Trend of Medical Negligence

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Mother’s Heartbreaking Revelation: “Cuban Doctors Killed My Son” – A Social Media Trend of Medical Negligence

A grieving mother from Spain has taken to social media to express her frustration and anger over the death of her son in Cuba. Lisandra Cancela traveled to Cuba in hopes of bringing her son, known only as “Leo,” back to Spain for medical treatment. However, she tragically ended up burying him instead.

According to Cancela, her son had repeatedly sought medical help for what he believed to be an ulcer. Despite his pleas for treatment, he was misdiagnosed with gastritis and ultimately lost his life. Cancela took to Facebook to share her anguish, stating that her son had to pay for a stretcher to be taken to the hospital, and that the medical staff failed to properly diagnose his condition.

In her emotional post, Cancela vowed to seek justice for her son, expressing her determination to hold those responsible for his death accountable. She described her son as someone who had a positive impact on others and was unjustly taken from her. The mother’s heartbreaking account has resonated with many on social media, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals seeking medical care in Cuba.

This is not the first time that such tragic incidents have come to light. Other examples include the case of Yenisey Guevara, who revealed the death of his father due to the lack of an ambulance to transport him for medical treatment. These stories have sparked outrage and frustration among Cubans who feel let down by the country’s struggling health system.

As Cancela and others continue to share their experiences, it is clear that urgent attention is needed to address the medical care crisis in Cuba. The stories of Leo, Guevara’s father, and others serve as powerful reminders of the vital importance of accessible and reliable healthcare for all individuals.

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