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Mothers in the People’s Front were told that they would give birth to a baby with half a head Info

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Mothers in the People’s Front were told that they would give birth to a baby with half a head  Info

Mothers in GAK “Narodni Front” were told that they would give birth to a baby with half a head.

Izvor: YouTube/screenshot/Informer

The affair of the missing babies has shaken the public in Serbia for a long time. Dušanka Bužanin, president of the “Missing Babies of Belgrade” association, told about her experience in the maternity hospital in Belgrade in 1981.

“On November 20, 1981, I went to GAK “Narodni Front” to give birth, where I experienced great discomfort. The midwife told me: “Turn your head, you will give birth to a dead child with half a head, a freak, and then we will put it in a jar and the students will examine it. That’s what midwife Živana told me. Everything was fine during pregnancy. They were very unkind and violent towards me there, but I thought it had to be that way. I wanted not to turn my head, and I wanted not to listen to her, but then midwife Živana slapped me,” said Dušanka Bužanin, who suspects that her baby was stolen.

The interlocutor said that after giving birth, she felt great embarrassment and shame. “After that, they took me to a room, where I stayed for eight days and no one visited me. They told my parents that they were fighting for my life and that I gave birth to a dead child. Before giving birth, I felt the baby in my stomach, and they told me that I was imagining it. This topic was not discussed. Then on November 28, I left the hospital, we pretended that nothing had happened, because it was a big shame at the time. I felt great shame, and I feel it now! I considered myself unworthy! We thought I gave birth to a dead child, and as the midwife said, a freak. I thought that it was my own fault that it happened, and then I hid and ran away from people. I carried that pain in the depths of my soul. I managed not to talk about it for 40 years,” said Dušanka.

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She mentioned that she had no doubt that she gave birth to a dead child and that she now regrets that she listened to the midwife because of which she did not see her baby. “At that time, I did not doubt that my child was stillborn. And if I wanted to doubt, they would have taken me to the doctor. It was a long journey under torture, and I had no chance to doubt. I felt guilty because of the midwife’s actions Živana, who reacted like that. She slapped me in front of the doctor because I didn’t listen to her. I regret so much that I turned my head!“, said the interlocutor.

Dušanka points out that she would have kept silent about her baby all her life, but that she spoke in the hope of fulfilling the last wish of her late husband. “My husband got sick, and then I listened to his last wish. I wouldn’t go to check even today. I blame myself for turning my head! I wasn’t aware at the time, I was asleep and didn’t hear anything until two days later I woke up from childbirth. I gave birth around 10 in the morning, and my parents were told that I gave birth at 6 pm. They told my family from the maternity ward that they were fighting for my life. Thanks to my husband, I started the search. When the topic of missing babies came up, I only then recognized myself in that story, but because of the shame I was not allowed to speak,” she said.

Dušanka appealed to all parents of missing babies to check what actually happened to their children. “That’s why I’m asking parents and mothers, go and check. If we were once deceived, so we were young and kept quiet, now we mustn’t, because we have no excuse! When I see a pregnant woman, I say: God help her to be all right. I didn’t realize myself as mother, I never got pregnant again,” said Dušanka Bužanin.


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