Home » MVM describes UNHCR accusations against the DR as “unacceptable” | AlMomento.net

MVM describes UNHCR accusations against the DR as “unacceptable” | AlMomento.net

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SANTO DOMINGO: Presidential candidate of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), Miguel Vargas Maldonado, has expressed concern over accusations made against the Dominican Republic by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Vargas described the accusations as “unacceptable” and called on the government to respond with actions, not just words.

During a meeting with PRD leaders in Santo Domingo, Vargas emphasized the importance of prioritizing national security and preventing the establishment of refugee centers in the country. He also mentioned the need to support neighboring Haiti but stressed that any solutions should be led by Haitians.

In response to requests to stop reparations and mistreatment of immigrants, Vargas reiterated the importance of upholding the Constitution and General Immigration Law in order to protect the integrity of the Nation State.

Vargas urged the Dominican people to remain united in the face of pressure from both local and international sectors that seek to turn the country into a large refugee center. He emphasized the need to defend the country’s sovereignty and maintain a strong stance against external pressures.

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