Home » New Anti-Flag statement on Justin Sane’s abuse

New Anti-Flag statement on Justin Sane’s abuse

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New Anti-Flag statement on Justin Sane’s abuse

A report published through the magazine Rolling Stone adds more details about the case of sexual abuse contra Justin Sane. Twelve more women have declared themselves victims of the former gang leader. Anti-Flagas he did Christine Sarhadi last July. It was the turning point that led the band to break up.

There are now thirteen women who appear in the new report written by Cheyenne Roundtree, Justin Sane’s former colleagues have published a statement in which they thank the complainants for their bravery in telling what happened: “Know that you are not alone. We believe you.” They also addressed Sane directly, writing: “We believe you are very ill and need professional help. It appears that you used our trust as cover for heinous activities that you clearly knew we would never tolerate.”

For his part, Justin Sane has described the allegations as “categorically false.” The most recent of the actions for which he is accused occurred in 2020, when one of the women reported him to the United Kingdom authorities.

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