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news, fighting in Gaza, deaths and more

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news, fighting in Gaza, deaths and more

Luxembourg to Continue Funding UNRWA, Despite Allegations of Staff Involvement in Hamas Attacks

Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister Xavier Bettel has announced that the country will continue to provide funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), despite allegations that some of its staff were involved in the Hamas terrorist attacks on October 7.

Bettel emphasized the importance of providing support to the civilian victims in Gaza, stating, “We will not stop the aid now because in Gaza they need support for the moment and it is the civilian victims who, once again, are the victims if there is no support from UNRWA for the moment.”

The decision to continue funding comes after UNRWA dismissed several employees following accusations made by Israel, which have not been made public. Bettel expressed support for UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini’s decision to expel the employees and conduct an investigation into the allegations. However, he also noted that the results of the investigations would need to be reviewed before drawing any conclusions.

The announcement from Luxembourg stands in contrast to several other countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Italy, and others, which have announced that they would suspend funding to UNRWA in response to the allegations.

Bettel’s statement at the European General Affairs Council in Brussels indicates the country’s commitment to continuing its support for UNRWA, with an emphasis on ensuring that aid reaches those in need while also addressing the allegations and the need for accountability within the organization.

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