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News Udinese – Patron Pozzo speaks: “The dream? I want to go back to Europe”

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News Udinese – Patron Pozzo speaks: “The dream?  I want to go back to Europe”

In the last few hours, the owner of the Juventus club has had his say: Giampaolo Pozzo. Here are the words, the topics covered are different

he boss of the black and white team she said his as the end of this season approaches. Giampaolo Pozzo rarely speaks, but we know very well that when he does he is never to say trivial things. Just yesterday he took stock of a two-faced year. has collected his statements and now we are going to analyze them word by word. Here is the interview with the owner of the Friuli Venezia Giulia club.

“This year was a very strange season. There have been so many injuries that have conditioned us and consequently modified all our ambitions”. Pozzo then continued: “It should always be considered that we have been in the top flight of Italian football for twenty-nine years now. We as provincials should be happy with these results “. The interview didn’t end here, given that the president told everyone what his dream is in view of next season.”I would like to go back to Europe. I’m happy with what the boys and the staff have done, but I have some regrets”. As always, the patron does not impose limits on himself and wants to continue to make all the Juventus fans dream. After also speaking of intercontinental competitions, the opinion was not lacking on the renewal of the technician.

The extension of Mr. Sottil

Subtle convinced he did very well and therefore deserved confirmation”. A few simple words, but they want to demonstrate complete trust in a technician who managed to keep the group united and compact despite the various problems. Before concluding even a small opinion on the striker at the center of the market Beto: “It has great potential, is still young. However, if a request from a large club arrives, it’s impossible to keep him”. This concludes the interview with the president of the Friulian team. Quickly changing the subject, don’t miss all the latest on the transfer market. Here are the two players who could replace Beto <<

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