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Nicolás Maduro asks the people for support to expand the battle against corruption and betrayal | News

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Nicolás Maduro asks the people for support to expand the battle against corruption and betrayal |  News

Venezuelan President Maduro Condemns Corruption and Betrayal on Anniversary of Coup Attempt

On Saturday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro commemorated the 22nd anniversary of a popular victory against a fascist coup d’état that briefly removed then-president Hugo Chávez from power. During a rally outside the Miraflores Palace, Maduro strongly condemned corruption and betrayal to the people.

Maduro called for support in the fight against corruption, referencing recent evidence and testimonies that led to the capture of new traitors and corrupt individuals, particularly in the state-owned oil company, PDVSA. He expressed his disappointment in individuals who he trusted but ultimately betrayed the people.

The President emphasized the need for constitutional reforms to introduce life imprisonment and disqualification from public office for those involved in corruption and betrayal of the nation. He praised the work of the Prosecutor’s Office in uncovering evidence and vowed to continue fighting against traitors and criminals.

Maduro highlighted the strength and unity of the Venezuelan people, stating that they are more aware, organized, and prepared to defend the country and the legacy of Commander Chávez. He reflected on the failed coup attempt in 2002, attributing it to oligarchy and calling for vigilance against similar threats in the future.

The President also addressed external and internal threats to national security, urging the Popular Peace Units to defend peace in every community. He emphasized the importance of remembering Hugo Chávez’s contributions to the Bolivarian Revolution and praised the efforts of key figures from that period, including Diosdado Cabello, Iris Varela, and Vladimir Padrino López.

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Overall, Maduro’s speech underscored the government’s commitment to combating corruption, defending democracy, and preserving the sovereignty of Venezuela.

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