Home » Niger, the coup plotters: “We will respond to any aggression”. And the deposed president warns: “We risk Moscow’s influence on the Sahel”

Niger, the coup plotters: “We will respond to any aggression”. And the deposed president warns: “We risk Moscow’s influence on the Sahel”

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Niger, the coup plotters: “We will respond to any aggression”.  And the deposed president warns: “We risk Moscow’s influence on the Sahel”

The situation in Niger is hotter and hotter. The day after a new demonstration by coup supporters, who returned to the streets by the thousands on the anniversary of independence from France, the putsch junta of the Niger stated that will answer immediately to any “assault or attempted assault” by West African countries: “Any aggression or attempted aggression against the State of Niger will see a immediate and unannounced response by the Nigerien Defense and Security Forces on one of the members with the exception of friendly countries (Burkina Faso and Mali)” said one of the coup plotters. The reference is to expiration dell’ultimatum imposed by Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas) to restore order in the country, set to the next August 6th. A few hours after the declaration, i delegates of Ecowas have lasciato the capital Niamey without meeting the generale Abdourahman Tchianileader of the putschists, nor the presidente Mohammed Bazoum, in office since March 2021 and currently in military custody inside the presidential palace after the military coup announced last July 26th.

According to Bazoum, who made a public statement to Washington Postsaying to “write as a hostage”, the coup could have “devastating” consequences to the world and bring the entire Sahel region under Russia’s “influence” through the group’s mercenaries Wagner. The deposed president reiterated that “Niger is under attack by a military junta that is trying to overthrow our democracy, and I am just one of hundreds of citizens arbitrarily and illegally imprisoned.” “The putschists they claim falsely to have acted to protect the safety of Niger. They claim ours guerra against terrorists jihadists sta failing and that my economic and social government, including the partnerships with the United States and Europeha damaged our country,” he added. Finally launching an appeal: “I ask the american government and in the whole international community to contribute to restore the constitutional order”.

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Meanwhile, while in recent days Italy and France have decided to evacuate their citizens present in Niger and while the international community has been trying to increase pressure to restore the democratically elected government, on the evening of 3 August the coup esautorate i mandates of their ambassadors in four countries with a live announcement on national TV. “The functions of the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassadors of the Republic of Niger” at France, Nigeria, Togo and the United States “they ended”declared one of the putschists. Cancelled also the military agreements with Paris. “Faced with France’s inattentive attitude and her reaction to the situation the National Council for the Protection of the Homeland decided to scrap the agreements of cooperation in the field of security and defense with this State”announced the coup plotters after criticizing some agreements between Niamey and Paris on the “stationing” of the troops of the French detachment and on the “status” of the soldiers present in the fight against jihadism.

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