Home » North Korea, food shortages and starving deaths increase. But Kim Jong-un is thinking about nuclear power

North Korea, food shortages and starving deaths increase. But Kim Jong-un is thinking about nuclear power

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North Korea, food shortages and starving deaths increase.  But Kim Jong-un is thinking about nuclear power

From digits officersAs always, nobody talks. It was like that in the days of pandemic for the number of victims and infected since Covidand the same logic is also transferred to the food crisis that the North Korea is experiencing and that it is continuously worsening. The chronic shortage of food is in fact leading to an increase in deaths from hunger: it would be the country’s most difficult moment since the famine of the years Ninety as a result of which, according to some estimates, three million people died. The isolation and the closure borders for three years have aggravated an already difficult situation, given that even before the pandemic, in fact, according to theUnited Nations Organization for food and agriculture about half of the country was undernourished. For the analyst of Peterson Institute, Lucas Rengifo Kellerthe food supply is complicated just to meet the minimum requirements: commercial data and satellite images, as well as assessments of United Nations and the South Korean authorities agree on this point. And the problem does not concern only the lowest sections of the population. In any case, even if food were distributed fairly, which it is not, there would still be deaths caused by starvation.

As widespread as the food crisis is, experts say there are no signs of mass deaths or famine and the upcoming meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party is likely to bolster support for the leader Kim Jong Unwhich carries out its nuclear weapons program in the face of intense US-led pressure and sanctions United States. “Kim Jong Un it cannot steadily advance its nuclear program if it cannot solve the the food problembasically because public support would be shaken,” he said Lim Eul-chulprofessor at the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of Kyungnam University a Seoul. “The meeting was called to consolidate the unit interna while gathering ideas for tackling food shortages.”

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An enlarged plenary meeting of Central Committee of the Workers’ Party is scheduled for the end of February. His plan specific is unknown, but the mighty Politburo of the party has previously stated that “a turning point is needed to dynamically promote a change radical in agricultural development. The meeting will be the first plenary session of the party convened just to discuss issues agricolealthough they are often a key topic in larger conferences in North Korea. The increase of production of wheat was one of 12 economic priorities the party adopted at a plenary meeting in December. It is difficult to know the exact situation of North Korea, which kept its borders practically closed during the pandemic.

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