Home » Notice!Closing at the end of this month丨More than 900 taxis in Kaifeng are sent for free test丨Zhengzhou releases Circulars No. 113 and 114- Current Affairs- Kaifeng Net

Notice!Closing at the end of this month丨More than 900 taxis in Kaifeng are sent for free test丨Zhengzhou releases Circulars No. 113 and 114- Current Affairs- Kaifeng Net

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Notice!Closing at the end of this month丨More than 900 taxis in Kaifeng are sent for free test丨Zhengzhou releases Circulars No. 113 and 114- Current Affairs- Kaifeng Net

Notice!Closing at the end of this month丨More than 900 taxis in Kaifeng are sent for free test丨Zhengzhou issues notices No. 113 and 114

Source: Kaifeng.com WeChat

Author: Duan Baijie

Release time: 2022-06-03 08:15:20

Friday, June 3, 2022

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month

Dragon Boat Festival today

Weather: Cloudy to light rain 24℃~35℃

Air: Quality Index (AQI) is 101, lightly polluted

todayKaifeng notLimit line


◇At 12:00 on June 2, my country successfully launched the Geely Constellation 01 group of satellites using the Long March 2C carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. 9 satellites successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.


On June 2, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management allocated 30 million yuan of central natural disaster relief funds to Sichuan Province. As of 15:00 on the 2nd, the earthquake with a magnitude of 6.1 in Lushan, Sichuan caused a total of 13,000 people to be affected, 4 people were killed and 41 people were injured.

The National Health and Medical Commission announced on the 2nd that the current national epidemic prevention and control situation continues to improve. It is required to scientifically and accurately implement various prevention and control measures, not to arbitrarily increase the isolation time, and not to impose restrictions on people in low-risk areas without authorization.

◇Recently, the Ministry of Education has uniformly announced the 2022 college entrance examination report telephone numbers of the Ministry of Education, provincial education administrative departments and admissions examination institutions. The exam is approaching, and the fruits are waiting to be picked. For the three years of hard work for yourself and others, please be in awe, abide by the rules, take the exam with integrity, and compete fairly! If you find a problem, please call to report.(Slide to view ↓↓)


watch hookup

△Click to watch “Henan News Network” on June 2

Kaifeng News

◇On June 2, the provincial leading group meeting of Zhengzhou National Central City Construction was held to listen to the report on the preparation of the Zhengzhou metropolitan area planning, and arrange and deploy the next key work. Lou Yangsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, and Governor Wang Kai made specific arrangements. The meeting is held in the form of a video conference. City leader Gao Jianjun and others attended the meeting at the Kaifeng branch venue. (All media reporter Wei Dongzhu)
◇On June 2, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a meeting to convey, study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recent important speech, and study the establishment of the city’s village (community) “Five Star” branch and the implementation of the “Bianliang Wutong Plan”. Gao Jianjun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. (All media reporter Wei Dongzhu intern Guo Shuang)

On June 2, Gao Jianjun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over a special meeting on the construction of key projects to study and promote the deepening of strategic cooperation between our city and Chery, in-depth implementation of the manufacturing city strategy, and to promote a bigger, better and stronger automobile and parts industry cluster. (All media reporter Wei Dongzhu)

◇On June 2, Gao Jianjun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, cordially met with Hao Guoliang, General Manager of Beiwei Technology Co., Ltd. and his party. Reform and innovate the market, and lead high-quality development with high-quality innovation. (All media reporter Wei Dongzhu)

◇On June 2, Gao Jianjun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, cordially met with Li Guangming, Secretary of the Eleventh Chemical Industry Construction Party Committee and Chairman, and had in-depth exchanges on the signing of a strategic cooperation framework agreement, in-depth promotion of municipal-enterprise cooperation to expand new space, and a new level. The two sides expressed It is necessary to promote Kaifeng City and Eleven Chemical Construction to make new achievements in deepening strategic cooperation, and create a model of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation between central enterprises and local governments. (All media reporter Wei Dongzhu)

Kaifeng city affairs

◇On June 2, the 2022 taxi “love test” and first aid kit distribution ceremony of “Biandi has love, civilization has you” was held. During the college entrance examination this year, there will be more than 900 taxis in our city to provide free rides for candidates.During the college entrance examination, students canBy beckoning on the road, you can take a caring taxi for free with the admit card, and you can accompany a parent for free.In addition, candidates with special circumstances such as family difficulties and physical inconvenience can also call the 12328 transportation service hotline to register and enjoy the “one-to-one” test delivery service. (All media reporter Liu Yang)

◇In order to ensure the quality of the city’s key transportation construction projects, on May 30, the Municipal Transportation Infrastructure Project Quality Inspection Station organized technicians to go to the construction site of the new construction project at the entrance and exit of Longting Station of Lianhuo Expressway to conduct key construction procedures for acceptance of the project. (All media reporter Liu Yang)

◇The reporter learned from the State Grid Kaifeng Power Supply Company yesterday that 6 power facilities in our city will be outaged for maintenance, and users in relevant areas will be affected. Please take precautionary measures in advance.Click for details>>(All media reporter Zhao Yueqin)
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◇On June 2, the children of Shixian Street Kindergarten taught the Dragon Boat Festival and making rice dumplings under the guidance of their teachers, learning labor skills while learning about traditional culture. (All media reporter Zhao Wenjian)




◇On June 2, citizens braved the high temperature to walk on the streets under the scorching sun. On that day, the city was scorching hot and the heat wave was rolling, and the highest temperature rose to 38 ℃. (All media reporter Li Junsheng)

In the province

◇A few days ago, the Henan Provincial Drug Administration issued the “Notice on Further Doing a Good Job in the Supervision of Drug Circulation During the Period of Epidemic Prevention and Control”.Allows retail pharmacies across the province to sell “four categories of drugs” (That is, antipyretic, cough, antibiotics, antiviral “four types of drugs”),And implement the real-name registration reporting system.


On June 2, the Henan Provincial Department of Finance issued a notice to issue 2022 Henan Provincial Government General Bonds (6 to 7 tranches) and Special Bonds (41 to 49 tranches), with a total scale of 52.481 billion yuan and a term of 5 years. ranging from 30 years. The bidding will be held on June 10, and interest will be calculated on June 13. In this batch of local bonds, the general bond scale is 31.615 billion yuan;The special debt was 20.866 billion yuan, involving special debt for urban and rural development, special debt for social undertakings, and special debt for shantytown reform.
◇ Free tuition and living expenses! On June 2, the reporter learned from the Henan Provincial Department of Education that this year, Henan will continue to implement the Henan Provincial Public Funded Teacher Training Program. It is worth mentioning that this year, local public-funded normal students are divided into five categories of enrollment, with a total of 5,350 enrolled.
◇On June 2, Zhengzhou issued a notice on matters related to epidemic prevention and control during the Dragon Boat Festival and adjustment of some epidemic prevention and control measures(No. 113, 2022)which mentioned that citizens should be encouraged to take holidays on the spot and not leave the province unless necessary, and those who come from outside the city (return to) Zheng must be 3 days in advance.

◇On June 3, Zhengzhou issued a notice on further normalizing nucleic acid testing and “site code” inspections(No. 114, 2022)

◇According to the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Zhu Minglun, former vice chairman of the Shangqiu Political Consultative Conference, and Hou Zhanguo, a member of the party group, deputy mayor and first-level inspector of Luoyang Municipal Government, are suspected of serious violations of laws and regulations, and are currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision .


◇From 0:00 to 24:00 on June 1, Beijing added 14 new cases of local new coronary pneumonia virus infection. There are 12 cases of isolation observation personnel and 2 cases of social screening personnel. As of 24:00 on the 1st, 13 of the 17 districts in Beijing have achieved no new social cases for more than seven consecutive days, and the normal production and living order has been restored.

◇ June 1st 0untilAt 24:00, 5 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 8 asymptomatic infections were added in Shanghai. On the 2nd, Wu Jinglei, director of the Shanghai Municipal Health and Health Commission, said that the virus gene sequencing results of the positive infected people in this round of local epidemics in Shanghai showed that they were mainly Omicron BA.2 and BA.2.2 variants. For the positive infections in Pudong New Area this time, gene sequencing is being carried out as soon as possible.

China’s Taiwan Epidemic Command Center announced on the 2nd that there were 76,986 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 144 new deaths that day, including 93 males and 51 females, including 1 child under the age of 10.
◇On June 2, the 4-day railway Dragon Boat Festival holiday transportation was officially launched. By the end of June 5, it is expected that the passenger flow will generally pick up. The national railway sends an average of 5.4 million passengers per day, an increase of 200 per day over the “May Day” holiday. more than 10,000 people.

◇On the 2nd, the State Grid issued eight measures to help stabilize the economic market. Among them, it is proposed to make every effort to increase investment in the power grid and play a role in stimulating investment. In 2022, the investment in the power grid will exceed 500 billion yuan, reaching the highest level in history.

◇The State Administration for Market Regulation recently launched a national contract model text database, covering real estate sales and other fields, providing a unified channel for public inquiries.
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◇On June 2, 2022, the Chinese Coast Guard 2301 fleet patrolled in the territorial waters of our Diaoyu Islands.

◇On June 2, the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court publicly sentenced Tong Daochi, the former secretary of the Sanya Municipal Party Committee, for bribery and insider trading. Tong Daochi was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve.



◇According to the announcement of the State Administration of Taxation, from March 1, 2022until June 30residents who meet the relevant regulations need to apply forThe final settlement and payment of the comprehensive income of individual income tax in 2021.The tax department reminds that the majority of taxpayers should handle the final settlement of personal income tax in accordance with the law and regulations, and do not believe in all kinds of “tax refund tips” online.


◇Today, Amazon China issued an important notice on the adjustment of Kindle China e-bookstore operations, saying,On June 30, 2023, the operation of the Kindle e-bookstore in China will be discontinued.After this, users will not be able to purchase new eBooks.


◇According to the WeChat public account of Ping An Dongcheng, Dongguan: At noon on June 2, there was a case of stabbing people in Dongcheng Street, Dongguan City, injuring 6 people. The police arrested the suspect Zhan Moumou (male, 25 years old) on the spot.


◇At around 5:00 a.m. on June 2, Mayang Miao Autonomous County, Huaihua, Hunan was hit by a heavy rainstorm, causing a landslide in the Daolongjiabao tunnel section of County 038 of the county, causing damage to roads and houses. After preliminary verification, as of 9:30 on the 2nd, 2 people were killed and 4 people lost contact. At present, emergency and fire medical personnel are on-site emergency rescue.

The Changsha County Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province reported on the 2nd that a fire broke out in a local breakfast restaurant and caused an explosion accident. The police quickly filed a case for investigation of the accident, and the three persons involved were criminally detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law.

◇On June 1, when the earthquake of magnitude 6.1 occurred in Lushan, Sichuan, a kindergarten in Mianyang, Sichuan recorded a touching scene. At the moment of the earthquake, a kindergarten teacher ran to help the children escape. Netizen: She takes care of the safety of every child, but forgets to protect herself.

On June 1, Deyang, Sichuan. A woman suffered a cerebral hemorrhage at home, and her 6-year-old granddaughter immediately took a video with her mobile phone and sent it to the class group. The kindergarten teacher contacted the emergency personnel and rushed to the scene. The child calmly described the grandmother’s situation, and cried nervously until the grandmother was taken to the ambulance. At present, the woman has been hospitalized.

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◇On June 2, Kunming, Yunnan, primary school students lost to other classes in the tug-of-war competition, and the whole class burst into tears. Seeing that everyone is in a bad mood, the teacher suggested that everyone sing a song “The Lonely Brave”. The whole class began to cry and sing, and it was not until the end of the song that the children gradually began to smile. Netizen: It is indeed the favorite song of elementary school students.


◇Beginning on June 2, local time, a four-day celebration of the 70th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II will be held across the UK. The series of activities include military parades, air shows, concerts, etc. Queen Elizabeth II is the oldest living monarch in the world, the longest living monarch in British history, and the first monarch in British history to celebrate her 70th anniversary.
◇On June 2, local time, an official of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization stated that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will cause 13 million to 15 million people in the world to suffer from hunger in 2022.

According to a report by RIA Novosti on June 2, the Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said that the Ukrainian authorities are freezing the Russian-Ukrainian negotiation process.
◇A shooting incident occurred on the evening of June 1 in a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma’s second largest city. Local police confirmed that five people, including the gunman, were killed. According to statistics, from May 28 to 30, more than 300 shooting incidents occurred across the United States, resulting in more than 130 deaths.
◇ Recently, the United Nations changed the foreign language name of Turkey from “Turkey” to “Türkiye”. The word “turkey” has the meaning of “turkey” in English, and is even defined in the Cambridge dictionary as “something that fails badly” or “stupid people”.


The world‘s largest known plant, or more than 4,500 years old, has been discovered off the coast of Australia by researchers, covering a range of 180 kilometers.


◇The “China Youth Football League Competition Organization Work Plan (2022-2024)” jointly researched and formulated by the Ministry of Education, the State Sports General Administration and the Chinese Football Association was released. The league is divided into four age groups: primary school, junior high school, high school and university, with nine competition groups for men and women.

life tips


During the day today, it will be cloudy to cloudy south of the Yellow River, with scattered showers and thunderstorms. Some counties and cities in the south have moderate showers and thunderstorms; other counties and cities are sunny and cloudy. From night to day on the 4th, the province was cloudy, with showers and thunderstorms in most parts, and the rainfall distribution was uneven. Among them, some counties and cities in the west and south had moderate rain, and local areas were accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds.

On the night of the 4th, it was cloudy to cloudy in the southeast, with showers and thunderstorms in some counties and cities; cloudy to sunny days in other counties and cities.

During the day on the 5th, it was cloudy to cloudy in the northwest and south, with local showers and thunderstorms; other counties and cities were cloudy between sunny days. The highest temperature in the Mideast reaches 35 to 37°C.

morning talk

It is difficult for us to know how long the road ahead is, or how long we have to run, but striding forward and trying our best to live is the best answer to life. Try not to impress anyone, just not to miss out on your best self. Take advantage of the best years and keep fighting. Good morning!

Source: Kaifeng Daily Newspaper GroupXinhua News AgencyPeople’s Daily, CCTV News,Dahe Daily, Zhongyuan.com, Henan Meteorology, etc.

[Executive Editor-in-Chief: Dai Xiaoxiang]

【Review: Du Chanyi】

【Editor: Duan Baijie】

【Host: Li Qian】




Long press I can add attention!

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