Home » Perfect Sunday for Taurus: today’s horoscope, May 14th

Perfect Sunday for Taurus: today’s horoscope, May 14th

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Today’s Blackbeard horoscope, Sunday 14 May

Aries. 21/3 – 20/4

Would anyone like to put a concern in your head? But you are already busy with the stove and you don’t want further thoughts. While the gravy is cooking, vacuum and polish to save a lot of time.

Tour. 21/4 – 20/5

Perfect Sunday, thanks to the White Lady sextile Uranus and the Sun. Whatever you want to do, you will succeed without too much effort. Imagination abounds, and if you are missing an ingredient for dessert, you replace it without batting an eye.

Twins. 21/5 – 21/6

You would have liked a little free time all for yourself, but unfortunately there are really many things left behind: what a grind, though! If your partner hasn’t shown you all of his affection lately, ask for it with gentle firmness.

Cancer. 22/6 – 22/7

Use the sensitivity of the Moon in Pisces to find out what a person likes most, and thus try to satisfy them in their requests. If someone makes an error of assessment, don’t stand by and try to change their mind.

Leone. 23/7 – 23/8

While others move forward, you may fall behind, caught in a small doubt. Yet this is exactly how you will enjoy the view. In the end, it doesn’t matter much to you to be first. What matters is savoring and savoring every moment.

Virgin. 24/8 – 22/9

Don’t take your sweetheart’s displeasure too seriously. Everyone can experience a moment of tiredness. Forget the insults. If the atmosphere is hot at home, wouldn’t it be better to go out for a change of air? Call a friend.

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Balance. 23/9 – 22/10

Does jealousy make itself felt more than it should? At least use it to strengthen and spice up a relationship you care about instead of cooling it down. Leave room for the other in his personal decisions. And those of a couple instead take them together.

Scorpio. 23/10 – 22/11

More whimsical and extroverted than usual, thanks to the trigon of the Moon. Sure, there are those who expect too much, but you answer them in kind without getting angry. Better to say things right away as soon as feelings arise. Don’t build up the pressure!

Sagittarius. 23/11 – 21/12

Watch out for lunar dissonance jitters, or you might antagonize someone without meaning to. Why ruin a relationship for a trifle? The family requires more time from you and you have left out some passions. Reconcile everything? A dream.

Capricorn. 22/12 – 20/1

You know how to fix someone’s distractions. Now, however, do not make him weigh your contribution more than necessary. What friends would you be? Instead of a phone call, you prefer to reach the person directly concerned to talk to him face-to-face.

Acquarium. 21/1 – 19/2

Courage isn’t sky-high, at least for today. So put aside dreams of glory or amazing conquests, settling for a good dessert. At least one day a week you can allow yourself the luxury of a cheat at the table. Small sin of gluttony!

Pesci. 20/2 – 20/3

The harmony of the Sun and the Moon is poured into human relationships. If you have to apologize for a past attitude, do it as soon as possible. The liveliness of Uranus is a panacea within the relationship for two. Romanticism always à gogo

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