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Pictures of Marko Miljković and his wife Tanja Miljković | Info

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Pictures of Marko Miljković and his wife Tanja Miljković |  Info

Photos of Marko Miljković and his wife Tanja appeared when they went on vacation and were at a baptism.

Source: Kurir/Nenad Kostić

The trial of the Belivuk-Miljković criminal group, which functioned as the Belgrade branch of the Kavačka clan, headed by the escaped Radoje Zvicer, began in September of last year. They are accused of having committed seven liquidations, rape, drug and weapons trade.

The clan abducted, tortured, killed, dismembered its victims, and then fed them into an industrial meat grinder located in the “slaughter house”, a secret room of the house in Ritopek. After butchering, the body parts of the victims were put into sacks and thrown into the Danube.

Miljković’s wife, Tanja, was standing in the corridor waiting for the start of the trial with the lawyers and the accused Nikola Stefanović, who is defending himself on bail. Otherwise, she surprised many with her presence in the Special Court, considering that she had not appeared at the clan’s trials until now, but she regularly brought packages and food to Miljković. In November 2022, a few hours before the trial, Tanja Miljković was seen when he enters the building in Ustanička street where Marko Miljković is in custody.

“On November 29, 2022, Tanja came to the building, where she answered the reception, and she stayed inside for an hour and a half. She was previously brought by the driver a little before eight in the morning,” the Kurir source recalls, and added that for security reasons, there is a “siege situation” in the detention center when Belivuk and Miljković receive visits in special rooms provided for that.

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“Like all other detainees, and the two have the right to visits twice a month. By the way, their wives also bring them food in detention. The courier came into possession of new photos of Tanja and Marko Miljković. One picture shows the two of them being baptized, where Marko supposedly lives. You can see how they are in the second photo the Miljković spouses in an embrace, while Tanja wears huge sunglasses that cover her entire face.

Source: Private archive

“Miljković, Belivuk and the other accused members of the clan practically led parallel lives. On the one hand, they went with their wives and families to lunches, dinners, family gatherings, vacations, like the rest of the world, and on the other hand, they committed unimaginable crimes. Let’s say, Belivuk and his wife are before the arrest, they were photographed in a restaurant with the married couple Vlada Georgiev and Slađana Sekulićwho are also being tried as members of the clan,” reminds the source.

Source: Private archive

Let’s remind you, the wives of Marko Miljković and Veljko Belivuk have not come to watch the trials from the audience. They last appeared in public on December 9 last year, when they were detained on suspicion of laundering money for a criminal group. That case against them is still ongoing.


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