Home » Pity! There are strong indications that the Supreme Court is a black market for buying and selling cases

Pity! There are strong indications that the Supreme Court is a black market for buying and selling cases

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Pity! Those are the words we can say about the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MA) as the highest judicial institution in this country. The Supreme Court has become a black market for buying and selling cases for those seeking justice. This was conveyed by PPRA-48 Lemhannas RI Alumni in 2012, Wilson Lalengke, S.Pd, M.Sc, MA, responding to the bitter experience of elderly residents who complained about their fate to the Indonesian Citizen Journalists Association (PPWI).

“There are quite a lot of case players at the Supreme Court, in fact almost all the Supreme Court judges and bureaucrats and staff there are traders and/or case brokers. Because gray games tend to be dark, that’s why I say that the Supreme Court is like a black market where cases are bought and sold. Whoever has money can buy justice in that white building. “As a result, poor people are always the losers when they take cases at the Supreme Court,” stressed Wilson Lalengke, who is known to be diligent in defending oppressed people in various places, including in the case of the criminalization of the Principal of SMAN 3 Poso by the Supreme Court several years ago, Saturday, May 4 2024.

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One of the victims of buying and selling cases at the Supreme Court who is currently languishing is Dewi Anggrahaeni (71), a resident of Depok, West Java. Dewi Anggrahaeni as the heir of Harjo Judotomo is fighting for the rights to land belonging to her late husband which was taken over by other people, who are suspected of collaborating with the National Land Agency (BPN) Depok. The case has been won at the district court and high court levels, but the elderly resident had to accept the fate of being defeated because he was unable to pay the amount of money requested by individual MA employees who claimed to be named Efriansyah and Febri Widjayanto.

Initially, these individuals asked for a down payment of 100 million rupiah out of a total of 200 million rupiah to win the case. The down payment then fell to 20 million, the remainder was paid when the consignment from the Cijago Toll Road clearance was paid. This case was then conveyed by Dewi Anggrahaeni’s proxy, namely PPWI Depok member Rita Sari, to Wilson Lalengke who is also the General Chair of PPWI.

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In her statement, Rita Sari said that it was very clear that Dewi Anggrahaeni had won this case at the Depok District Court and Bandung High Court. However, at the cassation level at the Supreme Court, the case was defeated in a truly unreasonable manner. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Dewi Anggrahaeni’s opponent on the grounds that the Deed of Sale and Purchase (AJB) held by Dewi was only a photocopy which was legalized by the District.

“Obviously it doesn’t make sense, especially since the certificate you won was fake and didn’t have AJB. At the time of the Judicial Review (PK), Dewi Anggrahaeni provided new novum evidence, namely proof of information that AJB Justina Karinata (Dewi’s opponent in this case – ed) was not registered in the sub-district or at any notary, while AJB Dewi Anggrahaeni, although only a photocopy, had been legalized. “by the sub-district head because it is registered in Sawangan District, Depok, West Java,” said Rita Sari, Thursday (2/5/24).

On one occasion, Rita Sari, as the recipient of the power of attorney, was called by a person who claimed to be named Efriansyah, claiming to be his staff as Substitute Registrar Febri Widjayanto, that this Substitute Registrar would call her regarding PK No.1305/PK/PDT/2023 requested by Dewi Anggrahaeni. And it is true that on December 8 2023 Rita received a telephone call from Febri saying that Dewi Anggrahaeni’s case had won and would be heard on Monday 11 December 2023.

Febri Widjayanto also told Rita that the other party (Justina Karinata – ed) asked for the case to be won but her party refused. On Monday 11 December 2023 Rita was sent proof of the winning decision in the case and signed by the Panel of Judges who heard the case of Dewi Anggrahaeni vs Justina Karinata.

However, Rita, as the recipient of the power of attorney from the heir, was initially asked for 300 million. “But Rita said that the money in the Depok District Court that went into consignment was only 1 billion 49 million. Finally the figure came down, Febri Widjayanto asked for 200 million. After Rita received the verdict via WhatsApp, Febri Widjayanto asked for a down payment of 100 million. After long negotiations the figure was reduced to 20 million, but because there were no funds yet, the money had not been paid. “Suddenly, on December 20 2023 Dewi Anggrahaeni’s PK decision was published stating that the PK was rejected,” added the humanitarian activist who lives in Depok.

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Rita then confirmed the evidence of the decision that Febri Widjayanto sent on December 11 2023 to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said that the decision sent by Febri Widjayanto when he asked for 300 million rupiah was fake.

“It’s strange that MA is a place where not just anyone is allowed to enter, but why do people miss out? “The decision based on Justina Karinata’s bogus certificate which was won by the Supreme Court has been entered on the Supreme Court website and is standard, meaning it cannot be challenged again until the decision is sent to the Depok District Court,” said Rita, full of disappointed questions.

Furthermore, Rita said that when she and Sinar Pagi journalist, Anis, met the MA public relations officer, the MA public relations officer asked what they wanted? However, when Rita met again with a different person from the Supreme Court’s public relations officer, the Supreme Court said that it could no longer be changed, but could be sued again through the 2nd PK as long as there was a penalty.

“Obviously there is a crime because the certificate in the name of Justina Karinata is legally flawed because its origins are unclear and it takes up someone’s land. “Until whenever the Supreme Court must be held responsible for its arbitrary decisions,” said Rita.

Briefly, Rita told the history of the land, which was originally purchased on credit by Harjo Judotomo (late), husband of Dewi Anggrahaeni (71 years), in 1977 from a plot land developer named Soeparlan. When purchasing the land, Harjo Judotomo received a Sale and Purchase Deed number: PM.141/17/10/12/XII/1977 dated 29 December 1977 in the name of Harjo Judotomo from the original land owner named Naman Kotong (deceased). The AJB was issued by the Head of Sawangan District, Depok City, West Java. The plot of land is located on Jl. Swadaya RT.006, RW.002, Limo Village, Limo District (formerly Sawangan District, Depok District, Bogor Regency), Depok City, West Java Province. Together with other plots of land sold by developer Soeparlan, this empty land has been planted with secondary crops by local residents for years.

The problem arose around 2015 when there was a land acquisition program for the Cinere – Jagorawi toll road, aka Cijago Toll Road. During the data collection on the land to be acquired, it turned out that Certificate of Ownership number 02447/Limo appeared in the name of Justina Karinata, Letter of Measurement number 577/Limo/2000 issued by the Depok Municipal Land Office in 2001. By Dewi Anggrahaeni as Harjo Judotomo’s heir, The certificate, which was strongly suspected to be fraudulent, was sued at the Depok District Court in 2019, and was ruled victorious by the panel of judges. Likewise, when Justina Karinata appealed to PT West Java, the panel of appeals judges ruled in favor of Dewi Anggrahaeni.

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The chaotic land dispute never ended when the Supreme Court granted Justina Karinata’s cassation request. Even though the cassation applicant’s proof of ownership was a fake certificate which was allegedly the work of the land mafia at BPN Depok, Justina Karinata was won by the (not) supreme judge at the cassation level.

Dewi Anggrahaeni did not give up, she submitted a PK by attaching a new novum regarding the fact that there were allegations of falsification of AJB or at least providing false information by Justina Karinata because the rights used as the basis for making SHM number 02447/Limo were not registered with any notary or sub-district/PPAT in the local area. However, as stated in the report above, the old woman’s PK application was rejected due to her failure to make a deposit of 20 million rupiah to a person who trafficked in decisions at the non-Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, a well-known black market for cases in this beloved homeland. (Team/Ed)

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