Home » Pope Francis: incredible how much evil man can generate with wars

Pope Francis: incredible how much evil man can generate with wars

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Pope Francis: incredible how much evil man can generate with wars

“Today in the world there is so much discord, so much division. We are all connected yet we find ourselves disconnected from each other, anesthetized by indifference and oppressed by loneliness. So many wars, let’s think of wars, so many conflicts: it seems incredible the evil that man can do!». Pope Francis said so in the homily of the Pentecost mass.

Francis then returned to speaking of the devil and of the fact that it is he “in reality who fuels our hostilities”. He is “the spirit of division, the devil, whose name really means ‘divider’. Yes, to precede and exceed our evil, our disintegration, there is the evil spirit” who “enjoys antagonisms, injustices, calumnies. It’s his joy.” And then – he added – «in the face of the evil of discord, our efforts to build harmony are not enough. Here then is that the Lord, at the height of his Passover, at the height of salvation, pours out his good Spirit, the Holy Spirit, on the created world, which opposes the dividing spirit because it is harmony, the Spirit of unity that brings peace. Let us invoke him every day on our world, on our lives and in the face of every work of division”.

“Fear blocks, fear paralyzes. And an island: let’s think of the fear of the other, of those who are foreigners, of those who are different, of those who think differently. And there may even be fear of God: that he will punish me, that he is angry with me. If we give space to these false fears, the doors close: those of the heart, of society, and also the doors of the Church. Where there is fear, there is closure. And that’s not good.” So again Pope Francis during the Angelus.

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