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Russia almost shot down a British plane | Info

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Russia almost shot down a British plane |  Info

Secret US military documents have been leaked that say Russia almost shot down a British airliner last year.

Izvor: twitter/screenshot/disclosetv

Russian aviation allegedly almost shot down a British surveillance plane last year, the “Washington Post” writes. This information appeared in the US media after a secret document of the US Army was leaked.

Ever since this document mysteriously appeared on the Internet, it has been speculated, if it really happened that the Russian military shot down the British plane, it would involve NATO in a direct military conflict with Russia. This event allegedly took place on September 29, 2022, over the Crimean peninsula in a fortress that was captured by the Russian army back in 2014.

Because of a document that mysteriously appeared on the Internet, the Pentagon launched a major investigation into the plane that collects signals and intercepts electronic messages. British Defense Minister Ben Wallace spoke about this incident, but in October 2022 he stated that Russian SU-27 planes intercepted a British RC-135 plane.

According to Valas, one of the two Russian planes fired a missile from a distance, but soon there was a technical failure with that missile. Valas added that he discussed the incident with the Russian side. The US Department of Defense declined to comment on the leaked documents.

The document is marked with “SECRET/NOFORN” which means that they must not be shared with non-American citizens. There are also allegedly more incidents with the Russian military recorded by British aircraft. Also, inside there is also allegedly a map on which the points where Russian planes fly over the Black Sea are plotted .

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General of the US Army, Mark Milley, stated in March of this year that Russia had on several occasions “aggressive” behavior towards the United States of America, Great Britain and other countries. He also mentioned the incident when a Russian SU-27 plane shot down an American MQ-9 drone.

The behavior of the Russian pilots was very unsafe and unprofessional. We have to see what their path and plan is” said Mili.

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