Home » Russian Polls Show 78.6% Trust in Putin, Lavrov Says Russia Stronger After Wagner Incident

Russian Polls Show 78.6% Trust in Putin, Lavrov Says Russia Stronger After Wagner Incident

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Russian Polls Show 78.6% Trust in Putin, Lavrov Says Russia Stronger After Wagner Incident

Title: Russian Polls Show Overwhelming Trust in Putin as Wagner Incident Continues to Make Waves

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A recent poll conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center revealed that a staggering 78.6% of Russian respondents expressed their trust in President Putin. This high approval rating highlights the continued popularity of Putin, even after the Wagner incident that shook the nation. The survey, which was conducted from June 19 to 25, also found that 74.8% of respondents approved of Putin’s job performance.

The Wagner incident, which involved the activities of the Wagner Group in Belarus, has garnered significant attention from various sectors. Reports suggest that the Wagner Group is currently recruiting and establishing a new base. This revelation raises concerns about the group’s intentions and its potential impact on regional stability.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov addressed the situation in a press conference, stating that the Wagner incident was nothing but chaos and that Russia’s response had led to increased stability and strength. Lavrov emphasized that Russia was not obligated to provide explanations or guarantees to anyone, reaffirming the country’s transparency in dealing with the incident.

The international community has also been closely following developments in the Wagner incident. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached out to Putin, expressing understanding and support for his decisive actions in maintaining order and ensuring stability.

Satellite images obtained by the media revealed the construction of multiple new facilities at a military base southeast of Minsk in Belarus, believed to be related to Wagner. However, Belarusian President Lukashenko denied the existence of any Wagner camp near the Ukrainian border.

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In response to the growing conflict, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry’s Intelligence Directorate disclosed that the Russian Federal Security Service was tasked with apprehending the organizer and founder of Wagner, Prigozhin. This action highlights Ukraine’s determination to address the armed rebellion within its borders.

The supply of weapons from Western countries to Ukraine was also a topic of discussion. At a UN Security Council meeting, Russia’s permanent representative Nebenzya criticized the West for providing military aid to Ukraine, stating that the balance of power would not be affected. He claimed that the West had a vested interest in Russia’s defeat and questioned its willingness to end the conflict through diplomatic means.

The EU summit discussed the Ukraine issue and expressed its commitment to providing financial, economic, humanitarian, military, and diplomatic support to Ukraine. The EU aims to ensure Ukraine’s security commitments while considering the interests of all member states.

In the ongoing conflict, the Ukrainian army’s counteroffensive has seen limited success, with minor advances in certain sections of the front line. However, the counteroffensive resulted in heavy losses for the Ukrainian army. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced a high-precision strike on the temporary station of the 56th Independent Motorized Rifle Brigade in Kramatorsk, Donetsk, eliminating two Ukrainian generals, 50 officers, and 20 foreign mercenaries and military advisers.

The Ukrainian General Staff reported that its forces had gained the strategic initiative in the direction of Bakhmut and were launching a full-scale offensive. The Ukrainian army managed to advance in multiple directions but faced fierce resistance from the Russian army. The city of Bakhmut is of particular significance, as the Ukrainian army is attempting to break through the Russian flank to seize it.

Former US President Donald Trump also made headlines by claiming that if he were reelected in 2024, he would resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine within 24 hours.

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As the situation in the Wagner incident continues to evolve, it is clear that the trust and confidence in President Putin remain strong among the Russian people. The developments in Belarus and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine have raised concerns about regional stability and the potential for further escalation. The international community will be closely monitoring the situation and its implications for global security.

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