Home » Sanctions, side effects: Italy imports more Russian oil (from Moscow refineries)

Sanctions, side effects: Italy imports more Russian oil (from Moscow refineries)

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Sanctions, side effects: Italy imports more Russian oil (from Moscow refineries)

analysesThe challenges of the embargo

Imports quadrupled in May, but two thirds of the barrels went to the Lukoil plant in Sicily, the others to Trieste, from where they continued via oil pipeline: probable destination Germany, where there is a refinery owned by Rosneft

by Sissi Bellomo

21 maggio 2022

The EU agreement on oil is missing

Italy has unwittingly become one of the main destinations of Russian oil in Europe, with crude oil imports that would have quadrupled in May compared to before the war in Ukraine, to around 450,000 barrels a day, a level they had not reached since 2013.

The picture painted by Kpler’s estimates is an embarrassing one. But the purchases actually seem to have been piloted almost entirely from Moscow, to supply the refineries that it still controls in our country …

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