Home » Saturna, review of his album The Reset (2023)

Saturna, review of his album The Reset (2023)

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Saturna, review of his album The Reset (2023)

Cities keep secrets. In its history, in its architecture, in its people and, of course, in its culture, this aspect in which we must necessarily include its music. And one of the best kept secrets of Barcelona’s underground rock – probably to their own detriment – ​​is the existence of a band like Saturn.

It is “The Reset“It is their fifth album and, perhaps, we should not use the very common expression that it is their best work. The musicians themselves already take care of that in the promotional interviews they carry out, in a speech that is not internalized and normal, but less tiring. But, in this case, it is true. And one of the reasons that seems basic to me for them is the way they have expanded their color palette. It is no longer “just” a very good seventies rock band. For some time now their sound has been gradually tinged with psychedelia, hard rock, progressive rock and even acoustic passages that make it more heterogeneous and, therefore, less predictable. They have become accustomed to recording albums in which the sum of the parts magnifies the final product. They seem like independent songs. Some almost have no connection between them, but they all sound like Saturn and, above all, together they make a magnificent album.

Jim Vieco, the voice of the band, says that it is an album “very worked on and matured by everyone” and it shows. That conception of the album to which we have referred does not prevent us from asking you to choose your three favorite songs. “The opening song “Your whimsical selfishness” seems to me to be the classic way of riding Saturn Black Sabbath style with all the elements that we like as a band and that define us. “The never ending star” is a song that I think has pushed us as a band to do something a little more progressive, with different parts, guitar harmonizations… And “A few words to say” introduces us to a type of rhythm and in a way of fixing different from what we have been able to do. They are different ideas that have come from different heads and that have ended up giving shape to the song.” Well, they already have three selected. We leave the other 7, up to the 10 that make up the album, to you.

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