Home » Sex and scandals in Westminster, in the hot book of the Downing Street “gazelle”.

Sex and scandals in Westminster, in the hot book of the Downing Street “gazelle”.

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Sex and scandals in Westminster, in the hot book of the Downing Street “gazelle”.

LONDON. “Pestminster” strikes again. That is Westminster and British politics when they indulge in the most lascivious instincts, such as alcoholism, sex and scandalous behavior, which sometimes even go beyond crimes such as harassment and sexual assault. Now there is a very “hot” book ” of the ‘gazelle’, as she is nicknamed in Whitehall and Downing Street, aka Boris Johnson’s ‘nanny’, as she calls herself. Or Cleo Watsonformer special adviser to the former prime minister in Cabinet office and partner of his former “rasputin” Dominic Cummings, who has now written a book: “Whips!”. Clever choice precisely because of the ambiguity of the term: “Whip” stands for whip but also for the convention of deputies to follow the voting instructions imposed by the party.

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The 33-year-old’s book Watson it’s actually a novel, due out next May. Those who previewed it defined it as a mix of “House of Cards” (the English version by Michael Dobbs which subsequently originated the more famous American one), the comedy series “The Thick of It” by Armando Iannucci and of course the sensual “Fifty Shades of Grey” by EL James. Because in the new work of Watsonwritten on weekends when it was at Number 10, is all the fantasy – or reality – that some Britons imagine in the halls of British power.

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Namely: unbridled sex in Downing Street even in the press office rooms, “quickies” in the offices of the deputies of the House of Commons in Westminster but also in the country residence of the British prime ministers, in Checkers, while parties were held downstairs with rivers of alcohol. Even a deputy who testifies in the parliamentary commission with a remote-controlled sex toy.

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And then there is a disheveled and disheveled prime minister, who cannot fail to bring to mind Boris Johnson, who fired Watson in November 2020 after his own guru’s defenestration Cummings, also featured in the book as an obscure adviser to the leader. After being removed from Number 10, Watson wrote an article in Tatler months ago in which she described herself as Johnson’s “nanny”, described as a messy and messy character who could never be left alone.

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Obviously in the rooms of Westminster there is no talk of anything else and the race has already started to see who will identify the true identity of deputies, ministers and journalists in disguise in Watson’s book. “Whips!” is actually only the first work of a trilogy that will be completed in the coming months. Next stop: a novel, which Watson is already writing, set in an election campaign, most likely the one Johnson swept in 2019.

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