Home » Solidarity from Cubans: Community Raises Funds to Buy House for Orphaned Child with Health Problems

Solidarity from Cubans: Community Raises Funds to Buy House for Orphaned Child with Health Problems

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Solidarity from Cubans: Community Raises Funds to Buy House for Orphaned Child with Health Problems

Cuban community comes together to buy a home for orphaned boy with health issues

In a heartwarming display of solidarity, the Cuban community rallied together to raise enough funds to purchase a house for a five-year-old boy named Christopher Olivera Santos. Christopher, who has been waiting for years to undergo an operation to repair internal damage caused by accidentally ingesting acid, had been living in poor conditions with his grandmother in news.

Activist Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia shared the remarkable success of a humanitarian aid group on Facebook, explaining that they managed to collect the required amount of $1,800 USD (equivalent to 432,000 cup) within just five days. The group wasted no time in finding a suitable house for Christopher, located just a five-minute drive from the hospital in the city of Bayamo, where the young boy receives treatment. Salcedo Verdecia expressed her excitement about the proximity of the new home, which will greatly facilitate Christopher’s ongoing medical care.

Salcedo Verdecia further mentioned that the group plans to reveal the house to the public once the painting is completed. Grateful for the generous support received, she extended her gratitude to an anonymous group from Las Vegas, as well as all those who contributed to providing a dignified life for Christopher.

Christopher’s story gained attention after it was shared on social media. The boy had been living in a dilapidated wooden house, having been abandoned by his mother, and tragically, losing his father to suicide. Despite these hardships, Christopher remained in urgent need of medical assistance. The activist informed that Christopher is currently undergoing treatment with antibiotics and topical creams to combat an infection, and called for help in acquiring the necessary medications.

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Upon completing his treatment, Christopher will be transported to Holguín, where he is scheduled to undergo the much-needed surgery. In addition to purchasing a home, the humanitarian aid group also intends to provide furniture and other essential items for Christopher’s new residence.

The initiative received overwhelming support within a short span of time. Donations quickly amassed, with an amount of 141,340 Cuban pesos being collected within 48 hours. The quick response reflects the community’s strong commitment to aiding those in need.

This heartwarming story highlights the power of solidarity and the impact a unified effort can have on changing lives. The perseverance and compassion demonstrated by the Cuban community in supporting Christopher’s cause shine a bright light in the face of adversity. With the collaborative efforts of many, Christopher is now on the path to a brighter future and a dignified life.

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