Home » Spain, the extreme right of Vox offers support to the Popolari without conditions

Spain, the extreme right of Vox offers support to the Popolari without conditions

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Spain, the extreme right of Vox offers support to the Popolari without conditions

Vox has offered the popular support of its 33 deputies for the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo at the head of a centre-right government in Spain, to “avoid a government of those who seek to destroy the foundations of the Constitution”.

The offer of the extreme right is unconditional, according to a statement: “We will not be an obstacle to avoiding a government of national destruction”: a reference to a possible coalition executive between the PSOE and the left-wing coalition Sumar, with the support parliamentarian of the Basque parties Pnv and Bildu and of the Catalan ones Junts and Erc. The leader of the PP Feijóo – winner of the elections but without the numbers to govern – judged the opening of Vox positively: “It is progress in the direction of recognition of electoral results and progress in the field of constitutionalism”, he said. At the same time reiterating that his proposal is “a government alone with a broad agreement to continue with the reforms”.

Santiago Abascal’s far-right motivated its unconditional support for the PP by stating that it feared that a government with socialists and separatists would constitute a serious threat to the constitutional order, with the possibility, among other things, that the socialist leader Pedro Sánchez leading the new executive, can grant a referendum on self-determination to its Basque and Catalan allies.

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