Home » Strong solar storm: Northern lights can be seen over Germany

Strong solar storm: Northern lights can be seen over Germany

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Strong solar storm: Northern lights can be seen over Germany

Strongest solar storm since 2003: Marvel at the Northern Lights over Germany

A look up and the sky lights up colorfully: In several regions, people were able to marvel at the northern lights at night. For those who didn’t see her, there is good news.

According to a US authority, the solar storm responsible for the northern lights was stronger than it has been since 2003.

Source: dpa

The view of the sky must have brought great joy to many people on Saturday night. Northern lights lit up the firmament red, green or magenta in several parts of the country. The colors could also be seen in regions further south than usual.

Numerous users shared pictures of the northern lights on online networks. The German Weather Service (DWD) published footage on Saturday night that reportedly showed northern lights over Offenbach and Frankfurt am Main.

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According to a US authority, the solar storm responsible for this was stronger than it has been since 2003. The solar storm, which reached level five on the five-level measurement scale Saturday night, is expected to continue through the weekend, the US National Meteorological and Oceanographic Administration’s (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center said.

The agency also said GPS, power grids, spacecraft, satellite navigation and other technologies could be affected by the solar storms. Astronomers also expect northern lights over Germany on Saturday evening.

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Northern lights visible thanks to solar storms

In the past few days, several solar storms, so-called coronal mass ejections (CME), have been observed towards Earth, said astronomer Volker Bothmer from the University of Göttingen.

However, these storms were not dangerous. “However, there was no extremely strong storm that could lead to power grid failures and other things,” he reassured.

Tips for watching the Northern Lights

  • Basic rule: You can only see the Northern Lights in the dark, it must be clear of stars and there must have been a strong solar flare around 70 hours before.
  • The right moment: There are now numerous apps with northern lights forecasts that are available in common app stores.
  • Little light: If you want to see the Northern Lights in Germany, you should position yourself away from settlements and artificial light, with a wide view of the landscape. Your gaze should be directed towards the northern horizon.
  • patience: Because human eyes are not designed to see colors at night, it takes 10 to 15 minutes for them to even get used to the darkness, says northern lights expert Stephane De Greef. If you can see the Northern Lights, it usually takes another five to ten minutes for them to shine in all their beauty.
  • Northern lights or just a cloud? If you’re not sure, you can use your camera to help, advises De Greef. If there is a green glow there, it is a northern light.

Tips for photographers

  • Leave out the flash: First you should make sure that the automatic flash is switched off. According to experts, it makes no sense when photographing the Northern Lights and only irritates the eye.
  • Operation must be clear: Be sure to familiarize yourself with how to use the camera – whether on a camera or smartphone – before your night-time excursion.
  • Attitude is important: To take good photos, the camera should be set to a high light sensitivity of at least 1000, preferably 1600 ISO. The exposure time should be at least 6 seconds. If you don’t want to carry a tripod around with you, you can alternatively use a tree trunk or other immovable surface. Deactivate the autofocus and switch to manual setting, then set it to “infinity”.
  • Enjoy: Important tip at the end from Northern Lights photographer De Greef: “Don’t take photos all the time – enjoy the light!”
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The source region of the solar storms – a large sunspot cluster – is moving away from the Earth due to the sun’s rotation, said Bothmer, “so that we are out of the line of fire.”

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Why the Northern Lights can now also be seen in Germany

The sun goes through a so-called sunspot cycle that lasts about eleven years, with phases of weak and strong activity. At a minimum, no spots can be seen for months, at a maximum, hundreds.

The sun’s activity has been increasing steadily since December 2019 and is currently near a maximum. Northern lights have been seen over Germany again and again in recent months.

Why northern lights shine in different colors:

Source: ZDF

What is the best way to observe the Northern Lights?

With a trick you can possibly make the natural phenomenon visible, as Carolin Liefke from the House of Astronomy in Heidelberg explains. “Usually it’s enough to put a cell phone on the windowsill.” Then you have to expose for as long as possible. It should be as dark as possible. A clear view to the north is also important. “The colors usually come out in the photo,” says Liefke. And this despite the fact that there are no colors at all or only a colorless veil to be seen in the sky.

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Source: dpa, AFP

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