Home » “The Chechen leader Kadyrov is in a coma. And he had his personal doctor buried alive”: the rumors about the “butcher of Grozny”

“The Chechen leader Kadyrov is in a coma. And he had his personal doctor buried alive”: the rumors about the “butcher of Grozny”

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“The Chechen leader Kadyrov is in a coma. And he had his personal doctor buried alive”: the rumors about the “butcher of Grozny”

Rumors about his health conditions have been circulating for months. There are those who took it for granted terminally ill, those who supported him were portrayed on social media only to dispel the rumors and convince the world, primarily Russians, Chechens and Ukrainians, that he was still firmly in power and in full possession of his faculties. But for the military intelligence services of Kiev the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, 46 years old, is in a coma. “We can confirm that (Kadyrov) has had an aggravation and has been in critical condition for a few days and this is not an injury,” the representative of the Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate said Andrii Yusov a Ukrinform. And some social channels, including Chechen ones, write that the “butcher of Grozny” is very loyal to Putin would have been transported to Mosca initially for treatment, and then already transferred to the Emirati.

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In recent days, on the well-informed Russian Telegram channel VChK-OGPU that has 800 thousand subscribersthe news was also circulating that Kadyrov he would have had his country’s deputy prime minister and personal doctor buried alive Elkhan Suleimanov suspected of trying to poison him. Suleimanovthen also relaunched the Bildwould be blamed for the sharp deterioration in the health of Kadyrovwhich had appeared noticeably earlier in the year fattened, Very swollen and that he often failed to keep your eyes openi when he appeared on video. At the time there was talk of a possible kidney problem. Kadyrovvery loyal to Putin and present with his militias in alcune zone of Ukrainehe believed he had been poisoned by injections from his personal doctor. Suleimanov he was dismissed from his post as deputy prime minister on the night of October 2022. Officially at the time he was said to have resigned on his own spontaneous will, but has not been seen since. No sign of life on his account either Instagram, usually updated continuously. Furthermore, “at the internet address of the oncology clinic of Suleimanov there is nothing medical anymore. Now the account is being used to sell cocaine in Dubai,” she writes Bild. Suleimanov he was a particular figure in the entourage of Kadyrov: he was a lezgin, an ethnic group from the south of Dagestan and the north of Azerbaijannot a Chechen, and had an impressive professional resume in the field of medicine.

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