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The Congolese have a short memory ~ What do we know!

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The Congolese have a short memory ~ What do we know!

It is with a feelings of joy and regret May the DRC blow out its 63rd candle on June 30, 2023. But, looking closely at everything, we immediately realize that: the Congolese have a short memory. The commemoration of independence should not be limited to music accompanied by alcoholic beverages. It should, by logic, be a day of called into question. To reflect on where we come from, where we are and what should be done to hope that things will improve. All the opposite comes down to spitting on the sacrifice of our ancestors who had given themselves body and soul for us to have this semblance of freedom.

It remained anchored in the annals of history

A little look in the rear view mirror of the past proves to excess that colonization is a sad story to tell. But that we can’t change since we can’t go back in time. The damage is done. The sequels it has generated cross the ages and create debates without issues. These discussions do not bring any concrete solution.

CONGO VIE – “From Colonization to Independence”

Which leads to the question of whether it might not be high time to paradigm shift ? Especially for the Congo and in the process the other African countries. Get out of the paradigm of a people who only complain at all times. By adopting a completely different paradigm: that of a people who accept the weight of their heavy past. Heals through resilience. Reflects on a development model that corresponds to him and suits him. And afterwards, do everything that is humanly possible in order to clear a path by making a place of choice in the world.

Respect is not asked for: it is imposed.

historical remarks

The historical discourse of Patrice LUMUMBA pronounced during the Independence ceremony in Léopoldville on June 30, 1960 marked the spirits and resisted all the storms. So much so that we still hear it to this day on everyone’s lips. Striking words that leave no one indifferent. Even children who are just learning to speak have mastered some of his phrases by heart. Rightly so: these are words that speak to the soul and invite every man endowed with reason to awareness.

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Full speech by P. LUMUMBA

Here are some excerpts:

“To all of you, my friends who fought tirelessly alongside us, I ask you to make this June 30, 1960 an illustrious date that you will keep indelibly engraved in your hearts, a date whose meaning you will proudly teach your children. , so that they in turn may make known to their sons and grandsons the glorious history of our struggle for freedom (…) a struggle in which we spared neither our strength nor our deprivations, nor our sufferings, nor our blood (…) an indispensable struggle to put an end to the humiliating slavery, which was imposed on us by force (…) All this, my brothers, we have suffered deeply, but all this too, we , whom the vote of your elected representatives has approved to lead our dear country, we who have suffered in our bodies and in our hearts from colonialist oppression, we tell you, all this is now over (…)”.

As a reminder, he was cowardly assassinated a year later (in 1961) suspected of flirting with the Soviet Union. A crime hitherto unpunished and which sealed the fate of an entire nation.

63 years later for what assessment?

A country which has immense mineral wealth but which has not yet been able reborn from the ashes. Rebuilding more than six decades after independence. This is notorious evidence of a lack of leadership and innovative ideas. Everything suggests that from the other world our ancestors look at this great Congo and regret overwhelms them. Because we are still far from living up to their expectations. The Congolese, despite all the constraints, have not yet come together. To bring out Ideas-Strengths which would allow the DRC, a little bit, to play in the concert of great nations. On the political, social and cultural level: “looking at the state of the DRC there is nothing to rejoice about”, estimates Alain FOKA.

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60 years of independence of the DR Congo: what political, social and cultural assessment?

Be Congolese and not con-au-lait

Photos of Congolese men and women drinking alcoholic beverages abound on social networks. It is questionable whether they are aware of the responsibility they should bear. Is it time? Everything should have its time. They prefer to have fun instead of making an effort of reflection in order to think about ways that would get this country out of its abyss. And during this time the East of the country is still under the influence of the M23 which continues to sow terror and desolation. But, the con-au-lait is better to embody the famous adage of a famous thinker:

Hell is other people.

Jean paul Sartre

Most probably wonder why I write con-au-lait instead of Congolese. Let me arouse your curiosity. Con-au-lait is a term that is popular across the country. Used to make fun of those Congolese who barely think about the fate of the country. They’re content to hang out with good music, women and booze while developing the culture of mengeocracy (another popular term).

Assume or complain?

Without any effort of reflection, the question is quickly answered: take charge. For what ? We wasted a lot of time feeling sorry for ourselves and that didn’t bring anything concrete. It’s time to assume and understand that in this century the real struggle is first spiritual and then economic. The Chinese are proof of that. They suffered the Japanese occupation but who had heard the Chinese complain morning, noon and night? Not to my knowledge. They understood the true meaning of the struggle and threw themselves into it. One has only to observe where they are at a time when Africa continues to expose its dark past as an excuse.

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On the question of who is to blame? As everyone knows: on the one hand, there is the fault of Belgium, which left a bruised state built on fragile foundations. And on the other hand, there is the irresponsibility of the Congolese leaders. There is a notorious lack of leadership. The DRC should end its expectation of redress. His vain attempts to want to put a lawsuit to the past for lack of this painful period. But rather to activate in order to take back all that is rightfully his here and now. The Congo is the heart of Africa and must be a beacon of light for the rest of the continent.

“The Congo is big and demands greatness from us”.


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