Home » The girl’s face was deformed after sunbathing Magazine

The girl’s face was deformed after sunbathing Magazine

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The girl’s face was deformed after sunbathing  Magazine

After one day of sunbathing, she faced serious consequences.

Izvor: TikTok/screenshot/orlamcglynn

Dermatologists regularly urge the regular use of sunscreen, because burns are not the only consequence that can occur. However, Orla McGill proves that sunbathing is still not taken seriously by many. She spent the weekend in Cornwall, in the southwest of Great Britain, and noted that “the sun was not strong at all.” Therefore, she did not even apply a cream with a protective factor, and after a few hours she faced serious consequences.

Her skin turned red, but she didn’t attach any particular importance to that either. A little later, her face began to “burn and swell.” It was completely deformed – one eye completely closed, the other less so. Orla says she was overwhelmed with fear, which is why she immediately went to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed her severe allergy to the sun.

Symptoms of sun allergy most often appear a few hours after exposure and without using sunscreen. In addition to all that, she got sunstroke, so the doctors immediately provided her with the necessary help and gave her the necessary medicines. “Always wear and slather on sunscreen, even when the sun doesn’t seem that strong. Take care of your skin so you don’t end up like me,” she wrote along with gruesome pictures of her swollen face. Fortunately, her swelling went down after a few days.

The video of its consequences attracted a lot of attention: “People don’t realize how dangerous the sun is until something like this happens”, “Something like this happened to me too when I was 13 years old with my parents on holiday in Turkey, but we didn’t even know then that it’s an allergy to the sun”, “My face also swelled up because of the sun, I used tea bags as a poultice on my eyes. It was terrible, but my face returned to normal after two days”, “This is really terrible”, they wrote are people… Look how her face looks like:


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