Home » The right also wins in Finland: if this continues, the EU Parliament will be the grave of Europe

The right also wins in Finland: if this continues, the EU Parliament will be the grave of Europe

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The right also wins in Finland: if this continues, the EU Parliament will be the grave of Europe

The right that wins in Finland remember the one he won in Norway after the massacre of Utoya: incredible, but true. A great mobilization is needed in view of 2024, otherwise the European Parliament risks becoming the grave of Europe that we dreamed of. With many greetings to the manifesto of Ventotene, which after having resisted the fascist confinement, will be torn to pieces by the ultras of the borders.

It was July 22, 2011, when Breivik, neo-Nazi militant, after having massacred in the heart of Oslo (only) to create a diversion, landed on the island of Utoya where the young Norwegian Laborists were carrying out their annual school camp, he murdered 69 of them in cold blood. Their fault? To commit to a secular, plural, open, European Norway. The political reasons for the horrific act were repeatedly claimed publicly by the neo-Nazi criminal, who for this earned the esteem of thousands of extremists like him all over the world, gave birth to equally heinous imitators like the Auckland bomber in New Zeland (over fifty dead), began to receive hundreds of letters containing marriage proposals.

It seemed impossible that after such events the Norwegian right could win the elections held in 2013. It seemed obvious that the progressive coalition of socialists and greens, which had governed for several years, would emerge strengthened from the polls. Instead the right took power, with a stunning performance of just that Progress Party to which B. had been registered.

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In Finland Sanna Marin he governed with a political agenda strongly characterized by the necessary reaction to the climate crisis and he had no hesitation in abandoning his historical position of military neutrality after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, starting the path that will bring Finland into NATO. The appreciation he evidently enjoyed as much inside as all’estero but they weren’t enough for her: she had to admit that she was defeated. We’ll see what happens with the composition of the government, we’ll see if the moderate right and the ultra-right will agree or not (but you can bet on it!).

There is one fact, which is not even surprising: the right appears to be better at interpreting widespread fears among European voters (broadly speaking). Fear usually drives us to defend ourselves, taking refuge, drives us to “go back”, shutting ourselves up at home, following the known road again, rather than venturing down the unknown one. Otherwise the fear of the collapse of the planet should spur the race towards a different future, which instead does not seem to excite anyone except the youngest, who however do not vote and do not produce income. It must be added that not only the right “of the whole back” seems more capable of interpreting widespread fearsbut as we know, he is able to spread them and spread unfounded ones to gain consensus percentages.

In Italy for decades, the regular administration of doses of terror served to rein in change. What are “progressive” forces doing to prepare for the 2024 elections? At the outbreak of “Qatar-gate” the Hungarian president Orban went so far as to hope for the dissolution of the European Parliament, whose radical toxicity would have been certified by the corruption investigation.

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Instead it is just the European Parliament the greatest treasure of our liberal democracies: a democratic assembly elected by universal suffrage by over four hundred million citizens is unprecedented in history. But without strong initiative, able to mobilize the societies that make up the European Union in depth, this treasure risks being mortally compromised and with it the possibility of making the European Union a subject capable of being in the world with its own autonomy, therefore capable of peace, because able to better cooperation with the “neighbors”, that it does not run after the nefarious myth of the “Fortress”, which is always and only a prerequisite for war. Right now war-torn Ukraine is being crossed by a caravan made up of representatives of over 180 Italian social organizations, the slogan reads “Stopthewarnow”, the Pope greeted them during the Angelus, Cardinal soups, president of the CEI, said he would like to be there with them. They are seeds of a different Europe, disarming without being naïve. What role will this company play in the 2024?

Will we be able to make the next European Parliament a re-constituent assembly that will transform the lame and contentious European Union into a federal republic founded on equal rights and equal duties? Or will we surrender to ditches and barbed wire? Meanwhile the right continues to win Also in Italy.

Time seems short, but it is enough for those who have clear ideas.

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