Home » The Transnistrian node, now Moscow accuses: “Ukraine is preparing our false invasion”

The Transnistrian node, now Moscow accuses: “Ukraine is preparing our false invasion”

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The Transnistrian node, now Moscow accuses: “Ukraine is preparing our false invasion”

Eyes on Transnistriathe pro-Russian self-proclaimed independent republic on the territory of Moldova. The spy-planes of the allies that have been hovering for days over the Romanian skies with an eye on the mar nero to observe the Russian movements, the voices let filter by 007 Ukrainians on a possible taking of theChisinau airport by the troops of Moscow and now the prosecution of the Russia: “Kiev is preparing an armed provocation, with the involvement of the Azov battalion. Saboteurs in Russian military uniforms will try an offensive”. With Chisinau which denies.

Eyes are on Tiraspolthe capital of the pro-Moscow breakaway region where a contingent of approx 1,500 soldiers under the orders of Kremlin. It is there that a new front is likely to open up, to play for a new one dangerous match from the war in Ukraine. The tension rises and for days Moscow has been feeding rumors of “false flag”. The latest relaunch, even a real “plan” made public without showing proveis from the Ministry of Defense led by Sergei Shoigu.

“Kiev is preparing a armed provocation against Transnistria,” the Telegram channel said Ministry of Defencequoted by Ria Novosti. “According to available information, in the near future the Kiev regime is preparing an armed provocation against the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic which will be conducted by the Fplow Armate Ukraine, including with the involvement of Azov training,” the ministry said. “As pretext for the invasion, Kiev – we read – plans to organize one offensive from the territory of Transnistria”.

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I “saboteurs” they will wear “Russian military uniforms”the ministry said, claiming it had obtained evidence of a plan whereby servicemen from the Ukrainian army and the nationalist Azov battalion, “dressed in the uniforms of the Russian armed forces”, would stage a fake invasion of Ukraine from the territory of Transnistria. This would give Kiev’s forces a pretext to attack Transnistria. The Russian Defense Ministry warns that it is closely monitoring the situation along the Ukrainian-Transnistria border and is “quick to answer” with each development.

Claims denied by Moldova, as reported by the Cnn: “State authorities they do not confirm the information released this morning by the Russian Defense Ministry,” reads a message on the official Telegram channel of the Moldovan government. “We invite the calm and we invite the population to follow the official sources e believable of the Republic of Moldova. Our institutions collaborate with the foreign partners and in case of danger for the country will inform the public without delay.

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