Home » Therefore, Vebjørn Selbekk considered withdrawing from “Torpet kendis”

Therefore, Vebjørn Selbekk considered withdrawing from “Torpet kendis”

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Therefore, Vebjørn Selbekk considered withdrawing from “Torpet kendis”

The “Torpet celebrity” participants Egil Skurdal (28), Dora Thorhallsdottir (51) and Vebjørn Selbekk (54), went to the “Farmen celebrity” farm Li.

– Suddenly started to cry

They will now fight to become a full-fledged participant in “Farmen kendis”.

Before they left the small farm, all three received letters from those they miss the most at home.

Vebjørn Selbekk (54) received a letter from his wife, Catarina Selbekk (55). While the other participants received good words and motivation, the 54-year-old had a slightly different experience from the letters.

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Among other things, the wife wrote in the letter that she was not feeling well and was struggling at home. On the screen you could see a clearly affected man reading the letter.

– It was because of the concrete content of the letter. I noticed from what she wrote that she wasn’t feeling so well. I considered retiring then and there. I think anyone who knows me could see that I wasn’t quite myself after I got the letter. It got to me, really, says Vebjørn to Se og Hør.

About dating: – I get scared

– I struggled

In today’s episode of “Farmen kjendis”, it appears that Vebjørn is withdrawing from the programme. He reveals in the episode that it is illness in the family that makes him want to go home.

Opposite See and hear Vebjørn and Catarina Selbekk open up about what happened to the family.

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RADAR COUPLE: Vebjørn and his wife have together been to over 200 countries. Photo: Private Show more

– I was deliberately very vague about what I said in there, and that was because it was about my wife’s mental health. It’s very personal, so I wasn’t sure what to say, says Vebjørn.

In retrospect, the couple have agreed that they should be open about what has happened, and talk about the reason why Vebjørn chose to retire.

– I struggled quite a bit while Vebjørn was away. I was very scared, and I froze, even though I knew he was fine and was not in danger, says Catarina to Se og Hør.

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Got anxiety

Catarina had the same experience when Vebjørn participated in “Farmen kjendis” in 2022. Vebjørn did not withdraw then, but his wife reveals that it was good to have him home when he quit the competition.

She struggled with anxiety attacks while the man was recording, something she had not experienced either before or after the programmes.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety can be normal reactions to external and internal events that are perceived as threatening or dangerous.

Anxiety can trigger a wide range of physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, dizziness, stomach aches and others.

Different forms of psychotherapy have a good effect on anxiety.

Anxiety has a chronic and fluctuating course.

Source: NHI.no

Catarina’s anxiety attacks started when Vebjørn was in “Farmen kendis” in 2022. But the background for the anxiety goes all the way back to 2006.

– In 2006 I did not get in touch with Vebjørn, because then someone else had his phone. It was a bit the same when he was on “Farmen” and “Torpet”, I didn’t get in touch with him then either, says Catarina.

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It was in 2006 that Vebjørn printed a caricature of the prophet Muhammed in the Christian weekly Magazinet, now bought by Dagen. There was a big media storm around the family, who had to move and were protected by PST long afterwards.

– It’s not like you’re crazy because you have anxiety. That’s why we want to be open about the situation – to try to remove some of the stigma around the topic, says Vebjørn.

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Works well

Vebjørn describes his wife as a resourceful lady, with almost 100 employees under her, who works well even with her challenges.

– If I can be open about my anxiety, it might help someone else to open up later, Catarina points out.

YOUNG MARRIAGE GOAL: The couple will have been married for 36 years in June. Photo: Private Show more

Catarina didn’t think it would be a problem for her that the man took part in “The Farm” in 2022, but it turned out to be different than expected – and when Vebjørn was now asked to take part in “Torpet celebrity”, they were in contact with psychologist, both before and after the stay.

– We are very satisfied with TV 2’s follow-up. They took good care of us, says Vebjørn.

TEARS: Emotions get the better of Emilie Voe Nereng after a very special incident on “Farmen kjendis”. Video: TV 2 / Red Runner. view more

A better person

One of Vebjørn’s goals at “Torpet” was to get better in the kitchen. His wife wrote in the letter he received during the recording that she hoped he would be more helpful in that field. And he has been.

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– Yes, I have become a racer in the kitchen, actually. Cooking has been so much fun that I hope to take part in a cooking competition soon.

The wife confirms what Vebjørn says.

– We both believe that “Farmen” and “Torpet” have made me a better person.

SUPPORT EACH OTHER: Catarina and Vebjørn always have each other’s backs. Photo: Private Show more

Although Catarina believes that Vebjørn has benefited from the programs and learned a lot, his wife was not so sure about her husband’s chances of winning.

The letter from his wife read, among other things:

“Maybe you’ll come home with a car, against ALL odds.”

“Whether it is realistic that you will win, I have my doubts about that. Sorry for the pessimism.”

– Considered withdrawing

The couple laughs at the statements now.

– I took that like a man, that is. She is the person who knows me best. The wife knows that I have an overdeveloped competitive instinct, but that I am also very bad at practical exercises. There will simply be too many thumbs up.

Catarina confirms what Vebjørn says.

– There was a slightly ironic tone to it too, smiles Catarina.

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