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Things around the house that tell about its owner | Entertainment

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Things around the house that tell about its owner |  Entertainment

Interior designer Feniks Gray warned on his social networks about the so-called “red flags” that you should pay attention to when you meet someone new and go to their apartment.

Izvor: karamysh/Dariusz Jarzabek/Marianna_Zh/mama_mia/Shutterstock.com

The first thing was the bathroom. As he says, pay attention to whether it’s a “toxic wasteland” because it can tell you a lot about the type of person you’re with.

“Is there a trash can? Is there soap? Is there lotion? Is there hair everywhere? Does he look like American Psycho?” he explained.

“Another red flag is when the room is lit like a nightclub,” he continued as he showed a picture of a living room that had neon lights behind each picture and under the couch.

The interior designer added that poor lighting in the room is a big “no”.

The third and final red flag to look out for is what Phoenix calls a cluttered mess, where there’s an open storage area that’s filled to the brim with stuff.

“If everywhere you have the so-called an open warehouse and you can see absolutely everything everywhere, that’s not a good sign. It makes everything look messy. Opt for a closed warehouse, trust me.”

People were quick to comment on the video as one person replied: “Also when there’s no book in sight”. Another person added: “Dirty sheets, wet towels on the floor, mold on the ceiling…”


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Source: Kurir television

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