Home » This is the fruit with the most pesticides ever | All you need to do to avoid poisoning

This is the fruit with the most pesticides ever | All you need to do to avoid poisoning

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This is the fruit with the most pesticides ever |  All you need to do to avoid poisoning

Apple with pesticides (Streetfoodnews)

Be careful with this fruit if you don’t want to get poisoned by the pesticides in it. The analyzes done are really scary.

Pesticides they are a serious risk to our body if ingested together with the foods we usually consume. Unfortunately, however, they are increasingly used and being careful has become necessary. So here is a list of fruits that you must avoid eating if you don’t want to deal with these enemies of our health. Some of these may shock us!

When it’s summer we all need a nice plate of fresh fruit able to refresh us from this heat.

Its taste so good, however, does not make us realize that that can really stand behind it. In fact, many companies on the market use pesticides to keep away from food pests or weeds to the product. However, if they are not removed perfectly and reach the counters of our supermarkets, the risks that these chemicals can cause in humans they are really very many.

According to a recent survey done and PAN EuropeSome fruits are more dangerous than others. Here’s what they are.

Which fruits are good to say goodbye to

PAN Europe has recently warned people through the so-called ranking Dirty Dozen. In Europe the fruits that mainly possess these highly toxic substances they are grapes, peaches and strawberries. As for the former, the delicious bunches that we are used to enjoying in front of the beach actually count in 85% of cases pesticides inside them. As regards both peaches and fregole, the surveys have shown instead how in 79% of the samples it was possible to identify these dangerous substances.

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Ma what to do to avoid getting poisoned with these pesticides? There are behaviors to follow.

Grapes and honey (Streetfoodnews)

What to do in our little one

Unfortunately pesticides have reached more and more like wildfire most of the foods that then arrive on the counters of our supermarkets.

To avoid ingesting them, it is therefore recommended to buy products of biological origin and therefore deprived of these substances. Growing or sourcing from local gardens and markets is also always a good idea. Finally let’s remember to always wash the fruit we are going to buyavoiding to ingest (if possible) their peel.

Only in this way will we be able to protectgives us this sad reality which has stained most of the fruit on the market.

Always remembering us that prevention is better than cure and, if necessary, avoid ingesting the fruit listed above in order not to risk poisoning.

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