Home » Tragic Bus Fire in Maharashtra, India Leaves at Least 25 Dead

Tragic Bus Fire in Maharashtra, India Leaves at Least 25 Dead

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At least 25 people have been killed in a tragic bus fire in Maharashtra, India. The incident occurred on July 1 in the Burdana district, when a bus carrying around 30 to 35 passengers overturned after hitting a pole, causing the fuel tank to catch fire. The local police have reported that several others have been injured and have been transported to a nearby hospital, including the bus driver.

According to India’s New Delhi Television (NDTV), police sources have revealed that the door of the bus was blocked after the rollover, preventing the occupants from escaping. This tragic incident has caused widespread shock and grief, with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing his deep sadness over the accident. He has offered prayers for the victims and their families, as well as wishing a speedy recovery to the injured. The Prime Minister has also assured that the local government is providing all possible assistance to those affected by the tragedy.

Reports of the bus fire have been covered by multiple news agencies, including Agence France-Presse and China News Network. The incident highlights the importance of transportation safety and the need for measures to prevent such tragic accidents from occurring in the future.

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