Home » Turkey and Syria earthquake, 2-month-old baby boy and 2-year-old girl extracted alive after more than 120 hours. “Messages from around the world to adopt Aya”

Turkey and Syria earthquake, 2-month-old baby boy and 2-year-old girl extracted alive after more than 120 hours. “Messages from around the world to adopt Aya”

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Turkey and Syria earthquake, 2-month-old baby boy and 2-year-old girl extracted alive after more than 120 hours.  “Messages from around the world to adopt Aya”

Among the many stories of pain and death that come from Turkey and from Syria, shocked by the terrible earthquake of February 6, there are also some extraordinary exceptions: the rescuers saved a newborn Of two months, survived for 128 ore under the rubble. The child was found in the district of Alexandretta, in the Turkish province of Hatay. In the same area, 60 kilometers further south, ad Antioch, one was also pulled alive girl Of two years: the little girl had been trapped for 122 ore under the remains of the house where he lived with his family. None of her relatives survived.

A story tragically similar to that of Aya: it was renamed like this, with a name that in Arabic means “miracle”, the newborn pulled alive from the rubble of a four-story building in Jindires, Syria. Found still attached to her dead mother by the umbilical cord, Aya is the only survivor of her family and now, from all over the world, messages are arriving from people willing to adopt it. The little girl is hospitalized in Afrin, in stable conditions. The director of the hospital, khalid attiahha, who has a daughter four months older than Aya, said he will not accept any adoption requests made to him over the phone: “Until her distant relatives return, I will treat her as one of my family.” The doctor wasn’t lying: his wife, in addition to breastfeeding their baby, is now also taking care of Aya.

The enormity of the catastrophe, as well as the number of victims – which continues to grow and which has now passed the 25 miles – is well represented by what is happening in Nurdagi, in Turkey, where there is no longer room, nor even time, to bury the corpsespiled on trucks and in is nameless. Same scenario in Afrin. But despite the hours passing and the hopes of finding someone still alive gradually waning, the rescuers continue to perform some “miracle”.

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