Home » Udinese – From Kristensen to Payero waiting for the new striker / Matchday

Udinese – From Kristensen to Payero waiting for the new striker / Matchday

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Udinese – From Kristensen to Payero waiting for the new striker / Matchday

The market is on fire right now. From Kristensen to Payero they are trying to complete an already long squad. Waiting for the big hit

The Udinese market is really in raptures. These last few hours will be essential for building and preparing a team that can make the difference both in the league and in the Coppa Italia. Today the central defender arrived who will replace the void left by Rodrigo Becao. We are talking about Kristensen. A footballer who is still very young and has a rosy future. We are talking about a class of 2002 who has already almost reached two meters in height. Certainly an important profile and one that could be really important within the new team. The three million spent is also a fairly low figure if we think of the possible value of a defender who comes to be a starter.

Not only in defense, but today a new shot in the middle of the field is also made official. The midfielder Martin Payero is ready to join to the Friuli Venezia Giulia team. We are talking about a midfielder but also an attacking midfielder if necessary who has a really good feeling with the goal. We recall that in the last season with the Boca Juniors shirt he scored four goals in just ten games played. At the moment the figures of the deal are not yet known, but in the next few hours we expect news also from this point of view.

The attack

Still 24 hours to find the new black and white striker on the market. At the moment it seems to be a real one-on-one race Emmanuel Dennis gives a part and Keinan Davies on the other. We are talking about two players who have worn the Watford shirt and are consequently known by the Pozzo family. At the moment, English seems to be ahead of the Nigerian, but in these hours there could still be several twists. Quickly changing the subject, don’t miss all the latest on the incoming and outgoing market. The details of the deal that brought the Argentine midfielder to Italy. That’s who Payero is

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If you want to learn more about all the issues on the Udinese world without missing any updates, stay connected with Mondoudinese to find out all the day’s news on the Bianconeri in the league.

August 31st – 4.16pm

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